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As he had said nothing about dress in the letter, I wired back: "With pleasure. Is it full dress?" and by leaving out our name, just got the message within the sixpence. Got back early to give time to dress, which we received a telegram instructing us to do. I wanted Carrie to meet me at Franching's house; but she would not do so, so I had to go home to fetch her.

There was quite a silence. It appeared to me that such teaching was absolutely dangerous, and yet I felt in fact we must all have felt there was no answer to the argument. A little later on, Mrs. Purdick, who is Franching's sister and also acted as hostess, rose from the table, and Mr. Huttle said: "Why, ladies, do you deprive us of your company so soon? Why not wait while we have our cigars?"

Lupin said: "Hear! hear!" and helped himself to another glass of beer. The subject was fortunately changed, and Cummings read a most interesting article on the superiority of the bicycle to the horse. Dinner at Franching's to meet Mr. Hardfur Huttle. May 10. Received a letter from Mr. Franching, of Peckham, asking us to dine with him to-night, at seven o'clock, to meet Mr.

Our party is well selected. We've no use for deaf old women, who cannot follow intellectual conversation." All our eyes were turned to Mrs. Field, who fortunately, being deaf, did not hear his remarks; but continued smiling approval. "We have no representative at Mr. Franching's table," said Mr.