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I beg yer pardon, my lord, here i' the face o' my freen's. It was ill temper an' pride i' me, jist the same as it's noo in Girnel there; an' ye maun forgi'e him, as ye forga'e me, my lord, as sune 's ye can." "I'll du that, my Peter, the verra moment he wants to be forgi'en," said Malcolm. But Girnel turned with a grunt, and moved away towards the cliff. "This 'll never du," said Peter.

Her comes to my feyther's house, this Miss Blythe, an' tells mother what a beautiful thing this reconcilin' is, and they fall to weepin' and cry-in' to my feyther both together, an' all on a sudden, t' everybody's mightiest astonishing, what's he to do but say, 'Theer, I forgi'en him. Hold your jaw, the pair on you! Well, now, see what a pitch I'm let to fall on.

'Lord preserve us! said the female voice, 'an he had worried our cat, Mr. Pleydell would ne'er hae forgi'en me! 'Aweel, my doo, the cat's no a prin the waur. So he's no in, ye say? 'Na, Mr. Pleydell's ne'er in the house on Saturday at e'en, answered the female voice. 'And the morn's Sabbath too, said the querist. 'I dinna ken what will be done.

"God damn the rascal 'at did it!" cried one of them, clenching his teeth, and forgetting himself quite in the rage of the moment. "Laddie, tak back the word," said his mother calmly. "Gien ye dinna forgie yer enemies, ye'll no be forgi'en yersel'." "That's some hard, mither," answered the offender, with an attempted smile. "Hard!" she echoed; "it may weel be hard, for it canna be helpit.

I anticipate what you are going to say; but humanity is a more abstract thing than you are aware of, and orders must be obeyed." "But, zur," said Gubbins, who had again approached, "I can see that feyther has forgi'en me, and he's the mon I ha' most wronged, arter all.

"Lord preserve us!" said the female voice, "an he had worried our cat, Mr. Pleydell would ne'er hae forgi'en me!" "Na, Mr. Pleydell's ne'er in the house on Saturday at e'en," answered the female voice. "And the morn's Sabbath too," said the querist "I dinna ken what will be done."

'Lord preserve us! said the female voice, 'an he had worried our cat, Mr. Pleydell would ne'er hae forgi'en me! 'Aweel, my doo, the cat's no a prin the waur. So he's no in, ye say? 'Na, Mr. Pleydell's ne'er in the house on Saturday at e'en, answered the female voice. 'And the morn's Sabbath too, said the querist. 'I dinna ken what will be done.

He put them a' on; an' gyne what think you? Puir Sandy ac'ually sat doon an' claspit his hands, an' I heard him sayin', "I'm an awfu' eedeit, a pure provoke to a' 'at belangs me! but if I'm forgi'en this time, I'll try an' do better frae this day forrit. An' I'll gie Pottie Lawson a killin' that he'll no' forget in a hurry. He'll better waurro, if I get a haud o' him.

I ken weel 'at fowk in his poseetion ha'ena the preevileeges o' the like o' hiz they ha'ena the win, an' the watter, an' whiles a lee shore to gar them know they are but men, an' sen' them rattling at the wicket of h'aven; but still I dinna think, by yer ain accoont, specially noo 'at I houp he's forgi'en an' latten in God grant it!

Money was needed for the laddies who were going needed for all sorts of things. To buy them small comforts, and tobacco, and such things as the government might not be supplying them. And so they asked me to be their auctioneer. I played a fine trick upon them there in Christchurch. But I was not ashamed of myself, and I think they have forgi'en me those good bodies at Christchurch!