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Osbaldistone to Luckie Flyter's, at the corner o' the wynd. Mr. Osbaldistone" in a whisper "ye'll offer nae incivility to Mattie she's an honest man's daughter, and a near cousin o' the Laird o' Limmerfield's." "Will it please your worship to accept of my poor service?

"What do you mean by bringing such a creature as that here, sir? and where is the pony you rode to Glasgow upon?" were my very natural and impatient inquiries. "I sell't it, sir. It was a slink beast, and wad hae eaten its head aff, standing at Luckie Flyter's at livery. And I hae bought this on your honour's account. It's a grand bargain cost but a pund sterling the foot that's four a'thegither.

"What do you mean by bringing such a creature as that here, sir? and where is the pony you rode to Glasgow upon?" were my very natural and impatient inquiries. "I sell't it, sir. It was a slink beast, and wad hae eaten its head aff, standing at Luckie Flyter's at livery. And I hae bought this on your honour's account. It's a grand bargain cost but a pund sterling the foot that's four a'thegither.

Osbaldistone to Luckie Flyter's, at the corner o' the wynd. Mr. Osbaldistone" in a whisper "ye'll offer nae incivility to Mattie she's an honest man's daughter, and a near cousin o' the Laird o' Limmerfield's." "Will it please your worship to accept of my poor service?

Flyter's, in whose house, even at this unwonted hour, light was still burning. The door was opened by no less a person than Andrew Fairservice himself, who, upon the first sound of my voice, set up a loud shout of joyful recognition, and, without uttering a syllable, ran up stairs towards a parlour on the second floor, from the windows of which the light proceeded.

It was in the bracing atmosphere of a harvest morning, that I met by appointment Fairservice, with the horses, at the door of Mr. Jarvie's house, which was but little space distant from Mrs. Flyter's hotel. The first matter which caught my attention was, that whatever were the deficiencies of the pony which Mr.

Flyter's, in whose house, even at this unwonted hour, light was still burning. The door was opened by no less a person than Andrew Fairservice himself, who, upon the first sound of my voice, set up a loud shout of joyful recognition, and, without uttering a syllable, ran up stairs towards a parlour on the second floor, from the windows of which the light proceeded.

Flyter's gate awakened in due order, first, one or two stray dogs, who began to bark with all their might; next two or three night-capped heads, which were thrust out of the neighbouring windows to reprehend me for disturbing the solemnity of the Sunday night by that untimely noise. While I trembled lest the thunders of their wrath might dissolve in showers like that of Xantippe, Mrs.

It was in the bracing atmosphere of a harvest morning, that I met by appointment Fairservice, with the horses, at the door of Mr. Jarvie's house, which was but little space distant from Mrs. Flyter's hotel. The first matter which caught my attention was, that whatever were the deficiencies of the pony which Mr.

Osbaldistone to Luckie Flyter's, at the corner o' the wynd. Mr. Osbaldistone" in a whisper "ye'll offer nae incivility to Mattie she's an honest man's daughter, and a near cousin o' the Laird o' Limmerfield's."