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'Ut nox longa, quibus Mentitur arnica, diesque Longa videtur opus debentibus, ut piger Annus Pupillis, quos dura premit Custodia matrum, Sic mihi Tarda fluunt ingrataque Tempora, quae spem Consiliumque morantur agendi Gnaviter, id quod AEque pauperibus prodest, Locupletibus aque, AEque neglectum pueris senibusque nocebit. Hor.

Plato believed this of material and tangible things, saying that they are in a perpetual flux, semper fluunt, nunquam sunt. But of immaterial substances he judged quite differently, regarding them alone as real: nor was he in that altogether mistaken. Yet continued creation applies to all creatures without distinction.

"Vera philosophia, est ascensus ab his quae fluunt, et oriuntur, et occidunt, ad ea quae vera sunt, et semper eadem": "True philosophy, is an ascending from the things which flow, and arise, and fall, to the things that are forever the same." For the rest; I do also account it not the meanest, but an impiety monstrous, to confound God and Nature; be it but in terms.

Obliquusque caput vanas serpentis in auras Effuse toto comprendit guttura morsu Letiferam citra saniem; tunc irrita pestis Exprimitur, faucesque fluunt pereunte veneno." Pharsalia, lib. iv. v. 729. The mystery of the mongoos and its antidote has been referred to the supposition that there may be some peculiarity in its organisation which renders it proof against the poison of the serpent.