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There's Flocon's new journal, 'La Réforme, that has leaped at once into a circulation never before achieved but by long years of toil and enterprise.

She will confess, you will make her, your skill is unrivalled, and you will then admit, M. le Juge, that I was right in my suspicions." "Ah, well, produce her! We shall see," said the Judge, somewhat mollified by M. Floçon's fulsome flattery. "I will bring her to your chamber of instruction within an hour, M. le Juge," said the detective, very confidently.

That will do now, thank you." The Italian's lip curled with a slight indication of contempt at the French detective's methods, but he bowed without speaking, and went out. Last of all the lady appeared, in a long sealskin travelling cloak, and closely veiled. She answered M. Floçon's questions in a low, tremulous voice, as though greatly perturbed.

The challenge is accepted the names of twelve Legitimists are furnished Armand Carrel selects Roux Laborie they fight, and Carrel is dangerously wounded the police then interfere the affair ends with Flocon's terrific and audacious defiance flung down at the whole Legitimist and Orléans parties in the columns of 'La Réforme. Now, what to Republicans were the quarrels of Legitimists and Orléanists?

But everything, of course, gave way before the detective, and, breaking through the seals, he walked in, making straight for the little room or compartment where the body of the victim still lay untended and absolutely untouched. It was a ghastly sight, although not new in M. Floçon's experience. There lay the corpse in the narrow berth, just as it had been stricken.

People believed in Louis Blanc's pineapple soup, in Flocon's bed of gold, and Ledru-Rollin's royal orgies; and as the province pretends to know everything that happens in Paris, the inhabitants of Chavignolles had no doubt about these inventions, and gave credence to the most absurd reports.

When the General was at last ushered into the presence of the Chief of the Detective Police, he found to his satisfaction that Colonel Papillon was also there, and at M. Floçon's side sat the instructing judge, M. Beaumont le Hardi, who, after waiting politely until the two Englishmen had exchanged greetings, was the first to speak, and in apology.