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"Two parties here before ye," answered the priest, icily, as if these repeated questions rumpled ecclesiastical dignity, and he gabbled on with the psalm, "similes illis fiant qui faciunt ea, et omnes " "If we lifted that box," interrupted the persistent Englishman, "what might there be?"

And after Salomon, Naasones sone, wedded hire; and fro that tyme was sche a worthi womman, and served God wel. Upon that hille, the enemy of helle bare our Lord, and tempted him, and seyde; Dic ut lapides isti panes fiant; that is to seye, Sey, that theise stones be made loves.

Then I suppose doctors should say Fiant pilulae et pereat mundus, there wouldn't be much difficulty about that! Philalethes. Heaven forbid! You must take everything cum grano salis. Demopheles. Exactly; that's why I want you to take religion cum grano salis. I want you to see that one must meet the requirements of the people according to the measure of their comprehension.

On one occasion when the Marquis de Bouillé pointed out to him the danger of some of his plans as placing the higher class at the mercy of the mob, "dirigé par les deux passions les plus actives du coeur humain, l'intérêt et l'amour propre, ... il me répondit froidement, en levant les yeux au ciel, qu'il fallait bien compter sur les vertus morales des hommes." Mémoires de M. de Bouillé, p. 70; and Madame de Staël admits of her father that he was "se fiant trop, il faut l'avouer,