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While Salome gazed upon it Dame Girzie said: "All this frae the tower to the horizon, far as our eyes can reach, and far'er, was for eight centuries the land of the Lairds of Lone. And noo! a' hae gane frae them, and they hae gane frae us, and na mon kens where they bide or how they fare. Wae's me!" "It was indeed a household wreck," said Salome, with sigh of sincere sympathy.

But you maun read on a bit far'er, for I'm no' gaun tae work ony mair till I see that dirty beast Hazelrig get his deserts. He has wrocht for it, sae jist gang on noo till you feenish the bit aboot him gettin' killed wi' Wallace. He deserves it for killin' a woman."

I hae naething mair upo' my conscience nor I can bide i' the deidest o' the nicht." "Then you think ghosts come of a bad conscience? A kind of moral delirium tremens eh?" "I dinna ken, my lord; but that's the only kin' o' ghaist I wad be fleyed at at least 'at I wad rin frae. I wad a heap raither hae a ghaist i' my hoose nor ane far'er benn.

"Ye speired nae queston, my lord; an' gien ye had, my word has ower little weicht to answer wi'." "Can I trust you, woman I want to know," said his lordship angrily. "No far'er, my lord, nor to du what I think 's richt." "I want to be certain that you will do nothing with those letters until you hear from me?" said the marquis, heedless of her reply. "I 'll du naething afore the morn.

I dinna say for men folk, but where weemen folk are born, there let them bide. Glory to God, I was never far'er from here than Crossmichael." At the sight, Kirstie grew more tall Kirstie showed her classical profile, nose in air and nostril spread, the pure blood came in her cheek evenly in a delicate living pink.

I dinna say for men folk, but where weemen folk are born, there let them bide. Glory to God, I was never far'er from here than Crossmichael." At the sight, Kirstie grew more tall Kirstie showed her classical profile, nose in air and nostril spread, the pure blood came in her cheek evenly in a delicate living pink.

Far'er nor that I winna pledge mysel'," answered Miss Horn, and with the words moved towards the door. "Hadn't you better take this with you?" said the marquis, offering the little note, which he had carried all the time between his finger and thumb. "There 's nae occasion. I hae plenty wantin' that. Only dinna lea' 't lyin' aboot."

"'Weel, Kirsty, said he, 'if that's the way, if ye hae nae objections, I'll marry ye mysel'. "'I dinna see what objections I should hae, said she, and, without ony mair courtship, in a week or twa they were married; and, in course o' time, I was born. I was sent to school when I was about eight years auld, but my education ne'er got far'er than the rule o' three.

Aggie was also now in the kitchen again. "Here, Grizzie!" said Cosmo, "here's twa poun'; an' ye'll need to gar't gang far'er nor it can, I'm thinkin', for I dinna ken whaur we're to get the neist." "Ken ye whaur ye got the last?" muttered Grizzie, and made haste to cover the words: "Whaur got ye that, Cosmo?" she said.

"Weel," he went on, "I'm jist relieved to un'erstan' the thing; for the lasses wad hae perswaudit me I hed gien ye some offence wi' my free-spoken w'y, whan I'm sure naething cud hae been far'er frae the thoucht o' my hert." "Indeed," said Cosmo, half rising in his eagerness, "I assure you, Mr. Henderson, there is not a man from whom I should be less ready to imagine offence than yourself.