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"No," he said; "John told me, an' I guess I'd know it if I heard it; but it's about a feller sittin' one day by the org'n an' not feelin' exac'ly right kind o' tired an' out o' sorts an' not knowin' jest where he was drivin' at jest joggin' 'long with a loose rein fer quite a piece, an' so on; an' then, by an' by, strikin' right into his gait an' goin' on stronger 'n stronger, an' fin'ly finishin' up with an A men that carries him quarter way round the track 'fore he c'n pull up.

"I don't know jus' exac'ly. I can count up to ten, and there's two ten piles, and and five cents more." "Oh, two tens and five. Yes, I see," running his fingers over the little heap, "that makes twenty-five. You've got twenty-five cents. Here are the twenty-five-cent valentines;" and he uncovered another box, and left her to make her choice. "Twenty-five cents!" echoed Polly.

"Two two watchmen," ses the landlord; "both exac'ly alike and both asking for 'arf a pint o' four ale." "Yes, yes," ses 'is wife. "You come and lay down, pa," ses the gals. "I tell you there was," ses the landlord, getting 'is colour back, with temper. "Yes, yes; I know all about it," ses 'is wife. "You come inside for a bit; and, Gertie, you bring your father in a soda a large soda."

"Two two watchmen," ses the landlord; "both exac'ly alike and both asking for 'arf a pint o' four ale." "Yes, yes," ses 'is wife. "You come and lay down, pa," ses the gals. "I tell you there was," ses the landlord, getting 'is colour back, with temper. "Yes, yes; I know all about it," ses 'is wife. "You come inside for a bit; and, Gertie, you bring your father in a soda a large soda."

The others seemed to agree with him, all but Tammas, who did not care to tie himself down to an opinion. "Ou ay," T'nowhead continued, more confidently, "it is so, deceededly." "Ye'll no ken," said Pete, chuckling, "what it means?" "Na," the farmer admitted, "na, I canna say I exac'ly ken that." "I ken, though," said Tammas, in his keen way.

Didn't you know 't he'd ever ben married? Wa'al, he was fer a few years, though it's the one thing wa'al, I don't mean exac'ly that it's one o' the things he don't have much to say about.

Oh, he was transparent, was Corp, but you may be sure Grizel never let him know that she saw through him. Tommy could not be blamed, she pointed out, though he did not care for some woman who perhaps cared for him. "Exac'ly," said Corp. And if he seemed, Grizel went on, with momentary bitterness, to treat her badly, it could be only because she had made herself cheap.

Wife did threaten to go herself an' make the teacher apologize for gittin' the little feller all sooted up an' sp'iln' his clo'es; but she thought it over, an' she decided thet she wouldn't disturb things ez long ez they was peaceful. An', after all, he didn't exac'ly send him down the chimbly nohow, though he provoked him to it.

"I dinna exac'ly see what way ye're gaun to help it," observed my drover. "By paying you here and now," said I. "There's aye twa to a bargain, Mr. St. Ivy," said he. "You mean that you will not take it?" said I. "There or thereabout," said he. "Forbye that it would set ye a heap better to keep your siller for them you awe it to. Ye're young, Mr. St.

Michael see, ye're upsettin' the sauce, that's a clean table-cloth the best of the joke is that he thinks your father's dead and you're keepin' it dark." Michael whistled. "Set a thief to catch a thief," said he. "Exac'ly what I told him!" cried the delighted dame. "I'll make him dance for that," said Michael. "Couldn't ye get the law of him some way?" suggested Teena truculently.