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Loskiel spits on Cats, and brushes their flying hatchets from his ears as others brush mosquitos!" "Let him speak, then, to prove it!" shouted the Erie, incredulously. But I remained silent. Then the Erie's ferocious laugh rang out from the cliff. "Now, you Mohican slave and you Oneida dogs, you shall know the power of Amochol.

While the fighting was going on aboard the vessels, they were drifting down the stream; and, by the time the British victory was complete, both vessels were beyond the range of Fort Erie's guns, and safe from recapture. This successful enterprise certainly deserves a place as the boldest and best executed cutting-out expedition of the war. Long before this occurrence, Capt.

Erie's cogitations began to be unpleasant, when the door opened, and somebody stole noiselessly in. "Who's there?" "Upton. I've come to have a chat. The Doctor's like a turkey-cock in sight of a red handkerchief. Never saw him in such a rage." "Why, what's he been saying?" asked Eric, as Upton came and took a seat on his bed.

The good ship now quivered like a horse that is over-ridden, but in those liners everything is strong, and everything stood. I never saw spray thrown from a ship's bows, as it was thrown from the Erie's that night. We had a breathless quarter of an hour after the mainsail was set, everybody looking to see what would go first. Every rope and bolt in the craft was tried to the utmost, but all stood!

The Erie's lifeless fist still clutched the painted casse-tete with which he had aimed a silently murderous blow at the Sagamore. Grey-Feather drew the death-maul from the dead warrior's grasp, and handed it to the Siwanois.

Then we covered it as hunters cover their ashes; the Oneida took the Erie's hatchet; and we hastened back to the others. They were still lying exactly where we left them. Neither the Erie nor they had stirred or spoken.

But evidently the Commodore's purse was open wider than "Uncle Daniel's," for this bill was defeated by a decisive vote. Now Jay Gould appeared upon the scene. He left Jersey City with half a million of the Erie's money in his pocket and arrived in Albany immediately after the defeat of this bill.

Then he had become a Wall street broker. Keen and suspicious as old Vanderbilt was, and innately distrustful of both of them, he nevertheless, for some inexplicable reason, allowed Drew to install Gould and Fisk as directors. He put Drew, Gould and Fisk on Erie's executive committee. In that capacity they could issue stock and bonds, vote improvements, and generally exercise full authority.

A line was then made fast to the remains of the Erie's rudder, and an effort made to tow the hapless hulk ashore. About this time the Chautauque came up and lent her assistance. The hull of the Erie was towed within about four miles of shore, when it sank in eleven fathoms of water. By this time it was daylight. The lines were cast oft.