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In the ancient burial place at Salem may still be seen the tomb of the old man who had known over sixty years of public service. Armiger, exordine Senatoris, in colonia Massachusettensi ab anno 1630, usque ad anum 1673. Deinde ad anum 1679, Vice-Gubernator. Denique ad anum 1686, ejusdem coloniae, communi et constanti populi suffragio, Gubernator.

To such dispositions alone can the admonition of Pliny be requisite, Neque enim debet operibus ejus obesse, quod vivit. An si inter eos, quos nunquam vidimus, floruisset, non solum libros ejus, verum etiam imagines conquireremus, ejusdem nunc honor prasentis, et gratia quasi satietate languescet?

"Obesse non potest, quin ejusdem hominis sit, probos improbare, qui improbos probet." How much better would it have been if he had said, "Quin ejusdem hominis sit, qui improbos probet, probos improbare!" No one ever had any objection to speaking in this manner; and no one was ever able to do so who did not do it.

Provincial right in particular was different, according to the different leagues or agreements between the commonwealth, and the people reduced into a province. 'Siculi hoc jure sunt, ut quod civis cum cive agat, domi certet suis legibus; quod siculus cum siculo non ejusdem civitatis, ut de eo proetor judices, ex P. Rupilii decreto, sortiatur.

These ante-mortem directions had no further reality than the imagination of the poet; but it is easy to believe that the woman who had set the fashions for the town these many years would have enough of the feminine instinct left, though Death waited without, to plan a becoming funeral garb. Woollen, forsooth! II. c. 3 and 36 ejusdem c. i.

The lady is wise not to attempt to name the "hundred others" presumably ejusdem generis with Shakespeare and Molière. "There have always been, since the beginning of the ages, mimics and improvisators who did without the text of others."

Its function was double, by raising or by lowering the arm, "modo per arteriae elevationem, modo per ejusdem submissionem" says the worthy Vairits; "for," he continues, "when the artery is thrown out and is open, the spirits are emitted with wonderful celerity, and in some imperceptible manner are carried to the thing to fascinate it.

Bless me! a chapter would be required for the explanation of each several word of this definition, and little less than omniscience for its application in any one instance. An effect presented to the senses without any adequate antecedent, 'ejusdem generis', is a miracle in the philosophic sense.

How much better would the period have terminated if he had said, "quin ejusdem hominis fit, qui improbos probet, probos improbare!" "that the same person who is a friend to vice, must be an enemy to virtue!" There is no one who would object to the last: nay, it is impossible that any one who was able to speak thus, should have been willing to express himself otherwise.