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"It is one thing lying off a port with a lot of other ships and bombarding a few measly earthworks, and another to be sneaking about in the darkness like this, not knowing when you will run your nose against an enemy twice as large," said Flagg, as several of Number Eight's crew met on the forecastle. "I tell you, it feels like war." "Reminds me of a story I heard once," put in "Stump," lazily.

Yuh want to remember, Bud, the Lazy Eight's your home from now on. We'll make a cow-puncher of yuh in no time; you've got it in yuh, or yuh wouldn't look so much like your dad. And you can write stories about us all yuh want we won't kick. The way I've got the summer planned out, you'll waller chin-deep in material; all yuh got to do is foller the Lazy Eight through till shipping time."

"Stump," "Dye," of Number Eight's gun crew, a witty chap and a good singer, "Hay," and I were leaning over the taffrail, looking into the swirling water made by the propeller's thrust, when "Dye" remarked: "This is the queerest water I ever saw in all my days; it looks like the bluing water our laundress used to make, with the suds mixed in."

The view comprehended the two fortifications recently removed to make way for the York and Lancaster Towers, between which stood a gate approached by a drawbridge; the Earl Marshal's Tower, now styled from the monarch in whose reign it was erected, Edward the Third's Tower; the black rod's lodgings; the Lieutenant's now Henry the Third's Tower; the line of embattled walls, constituting the lodgings of the alms-knights; the tower tenanted by the governor of that body, and still allotted to the same officer; Henry the Eight's Gateway, and the Chancellor of the Garter's Tower the latter terminating the line of building.

Sixteen's on-widdy, and it knocks a hole in a long summer's day. Four's a flash in the pan; but eight's a pretty little number. He added genially: 'We'm all very much obliged to you, young man. 'Oh, said Paul, 'I like to be neighbourly. The muscles of his face were stiffening, and his inclination to laugh cost him a twinge.

Wait a minute " he bent over the key again "it's opened up. Number Eight's left Tollifer. The freight's behind it, and three more following that. I guess they're going to try to run them through in a bunch. They'll be all right if they can only get past Crestline. But if they don't " He rattled and banged at the key for a long moment, cursing softly.

". . . Seventy-seven, seventy-eight that's seventy-eight times I've thrown these infernal dice without five aces turning up. And twenty-three times before breakfast. How much is seventy-eight and twenty-three? Three and eight's eleven, put down one and carry one I beg pardon, I wasn't listening to you. Did you ask me a question?"

"Gee whiz, do you think I don't know that eight's a company, nine's a crowd with patrols?" he said. "Do you think I don't know that? Anyway, if I wanted to go and hang out with any patrol I'd go with the Ravens, wouldn't I? I only came up to tell you that, because I thought you'd like to know. Do you think I'm trying to find out your secrets? Gee whiz!"

'Do you know Twenty Eight's offence? I particularly recollect his case, from his being took by a dwarf. 'A what? 'A little woman. I have forgot her name? 'Not Mowcher? 'That's it!

Two hours aftherward I have a gleam iv human intillygince an' hook me watch out fr'm undher th' pillow. 'It's eight o'clock, says I. 'But is it eight in th' mornin' or eight in th' evenin'? says I. 'Faith, I dinnaw, an' divvle a bit care I. Eight's on'y a number, says I. 'It riprisints nawthin', says I." "They'se hours enough in th' day f'r a free man.