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"Only that plunging into the water to pay rent. Ei! but didn't he once in bathing with his comrades put them under water, and even dive himself? What laughing they had in those days! Diving was fun. And as to beating with a cane, how many times had they beaten him in school? It is painful, but evidently not for every creature. A beaten dog howls and bites; a beaten ox does not even look around.

One can see Hermippus’s and Lysistra’s purpose with half an eye.” “Cleopis, Nania, what is this vile tattling that I hear?” The young mistress’s eyes blazed fury. Nania turned pale. Hermione was quite capable of giving her a sound whipping, but Cleopis mustered a bold front and a ready lie: “Ei! dear little lady, don’t flash up so!

Alteram aciem filius regis et milites sagittariique cum eo, adjunctis sibi Cumbrensibus et Tevidalensibus cum magna sagacitate constituit.... Conjunxerat se ei ejusque interfuit aciei Eustacius filius Joannis de magnis proceribus Angliae ... qui a rege Anglorum ideo recesserat.... Tertium cuneum Laodonenses cum Insulanis et Lavernanis fecerunt.

Tigellinus looked at him jeeringly, "Ei! a little more!" "If thy head is not sufficient, thou hast another on thy cane," said Petronius. Further conversation was interrupted by the coming of Cæsar, who occupied his place in company with Pythagoras. Immediately after began the representation of "Aureolus," to which not much attention was paid, for the minds of the audience were fixed on Chilo.

It is composed of three anthems taken from the book of Job, a paternoster, and a collect, and ends with the formula, Requiem eternam dona eis, Domine. When the prayer is in favour of all souls, the eis remains in the plural; but if it is in favour of one particular soul, then the singular ei is used.

"Parla per primo un vecchio garabaldino il quale afforma che se continueranno le opposizione per Fiume andremo laggiu non col grigioverde ma con la camicia rossa e conclude mandando un caldo saluto al populo americano mentre impreca al tradimento di Wilson; poi segue Pietro Nenni che invita i cittadini americani graditi e amati ospiti di Bologna a far conoscere ei loro connazionali il vero sentimento del populo d'Italia la sua fermezza nei pretendere cio che gli spetta di diritto.

Ei ho! the Castle of Content, With flaming tower and tumbling battlement Where Time hath conquered, and the firelight streams Above sore-wounded Loves and dying Dreams, Ei ho! the vanished Castle of Content!" And I had scarcely ended when the casement opened. "Stephen!" said the Lady Adeliza. "Dear love!" said he. "Humph!" said I.

Caput est Dara, unde regioni nomen, tenuibus, ut totum regnum, atque egenis incolis habitata. Melilla ad mare internum conspicua urbs Hispano paret. Biledulgerit, Sarra desertum, Nigrita, Abissini. A Tergo dictarum regionum est Biledulgerit regio, longissimo tractu ab Agypti confinibus ad Oceanum Atlanticum porrecta. Nomen ei a dactyloram proventu inditum.

"I never was in such a wilderness in my life," said I to John Jones, "is it possible that the chair of the mighty Huw is in a place like this; which seems never to have been trodden by human foot. Well does the Scripture say 'Dim prophwyd yw yn cael barch yn ei dir ei hunan."

I will kneel down’; and he flung himself on the ground, and placed his ear close to my mouth. ‘Now speak if you can. Hey! what! no, sure, God forbid!’ then starting up, he cried to a female who sat in the cart, anxiously looking on‘Gwenwyn! gwenwyn! yw y gwas wedi ei gwenwynaw. The oil! Winifred, the oil!’