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For some reason or other, the Captain was particularly good-humoured; and, quite forgetful of the words which had passed between him and Mr. Eglantine's lieutenant the day before, began addressing the latter with extreme cordiality. "A good morning to you, Mr. Mossrose," said Captain Walker. "Why, sir, you look as fresh as your namesake you do, indeed, now, Mossrose."

In extending his agency, however, Mr. Walker increased his expenses proportionably, and multiplied his debts accordingly. More furniture and more plate, more wines and more dinner-parties, became necessary; the little pony-phaeton was exchanged for a brougham of evenings; and we may fancy our old friend Mr. Eglantine's rage and disgust, as he looked from the pit of the Opera, to see Mrs.

And in the morning when Mossrose was gone to his business in the City, and he sat reading the Morning Post in his study, ah! what a thump his heart gave as the lady of his dreams actually stood before him! Many a lady who purchased brushes at Eglantine's shop would have given ten guineas for such a colour as his when he saw her.

Eglantine's with a yellow handkerchief under his arm. It contained the best and handsomest body-coat that ever gentleman put on.

When the ladies were alone Eglantine's universal fascination was even more remarkable. Mrs. Mitchell, at her desire, gave her the address of the little dressmaker who ran up Mrs. Mitchell's blouses and skirts. This was an honour for Mrs. Mitchell; nothing pleased her so much as to be asked for the address of her dressmaker by a woman with a foreign name.

She is subsequently found by the King while on a hunting expedition, and to him she relates the story of Eglantine's treachery. The King takes her with him to the palace. Meanwhile Adolar has begun to suspect that Euryanthe has been the victim of her base wiles, and on his way to Nevers to punish Lysiart he encounters the wedding-procession of the guilty pair, and challenges him.

On one pane you read in elegant gold letters "Eglantinia" 'tis his essence for the handkerchief; on the other is written "Regenerative Unction" 'tis his invaluable pomatum for the hair. There is no doubt about it: Eglantine's knowledge of his profession amounts to genius.

Take, for example, the lines from Eglantine's lament: Why he should have so chosen I cannot presume to say; whether from haste and carelessness, or from a deliberate intention of writing a sort of measured prose; but it was certainly from no inability to be metrical.

And Eglantine's cowardly little soul was filled with a savage satisfaction to think that his enemy was in distress, and actually obliged to come to HIM for succour. "You're enough to make Job swear, you great fat stupid lazy old barber!" roared Mr. Woolsey, in a fury. Eglantine jumped up and made for the bell-rope. The gallant little tailor laughed. "There's no need to call in Betsy," said he.

"BOWER OF BLOOM, BOND STREET: "Thursday. "MR. ARCHIBALD EGLANTINE presents his compliments to Mrs. and Miss Crump, and requests the HONOUR AND PLEASURE of their company at the 'Star and Garter' at Richmond to an early dinner on Sunday next. "IF AGREEABLE, Mr. Eglantine's carriage will be at your door at three o'clock, and I propose to accompany them on horseback, if agreeable likewise."