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From hup there ye kin see all that's goin' hon and sup'intend to yer 'eart's content," and she started for her superior officer. Mrs. Mumpson backed so precipitately with her chair that it struck against the door case, and she sat down hard. Seeing that Mrs. Wiggins was almost upon her, she darted back into the parlor, leaving the chair as a trophy in the hands of her enemy. Mrs.

"I think, my lord," replied Dumber, solemnly, "that every minute improves our chance, but if it goes on much longer," he added phlegmatically, "I shall fall down dead. My 'eart's weak, my lord." This was an ancient joke delivered by Dumber as if it were brand-new, and received by the fags in a like spirit. "Bless you, you've got no heart, Dumber.

Yer king an' counthry calls ye, an' be the same token so do Michael J. Murphy an' Terence P. Reardon. What'll ye give, Riggins, to preserve the seas to Britain?" "Me 'eart's blood, that's wot!" Riggins replied quietly. "I accept the sacrifice in the name av His Majesty, King Jarge! Be on deck at ten o'clock sharp, waitin' close undher the shtarboard companion leadin' to the bridge.

Stubbins, who had just finished hanging a pair of recently-patched trousers on the clothesline. "How is it he didn't come to church on Sunday? You know we must have our hearts in the right place." "Lor', sir," retorted the faithful wife,"'is 'eart's all right. It's 'is trouziz!" President Lincoln once wrote to General McClellan, when the latter was in command of the army.

If they have the Band at the Depot we don't go, and no error there. If they take the Band we may get cast for medical unfitness. Are you medical fit, Piggy?" said Jakin, digging Lew in the ribs with force. "Yus," said Lew, with an oath. "The Doctor says your 'eart's weak through smokin' on an empty stummick. Throw a chest an' I'll try yer."

Nothing happened, but Monkey poked his chin in the air, and swallowed. "I thought you were set for life," continued the Duke slowly. "I thought so, too, your Grace," answered the jockey. "But the human 'eart's a funny affair very funny, as the sayin' is." Long ago he had acquired the trick of moralizing from his old master. "What's the trouble, then?" grunted the Duke.

We ain't the sort o' characters to presoom on our rep'tations they're bad. If they have the Band at the Depot we don't go, and no error there. If they take the Band we may get cast for medical unfitness. Are you medical fit, Piggy?" said Jakin, digging Lew in the ribs with force. "Yus," said Lew with an oath. "The Doctor says your 'eart's weak through smokin' on an empty stummick.

"You don't mean to say as your 'eart's broke, do ye?" enquired the Waggoner in a tone of such vast surprise and disbelief, that Bellew turned, and propped himself on an indignant elbow. "And why the deuce not?" he retorted, "my heart is no more impervious than anyone else's, confound it!"

But on came the singing footmen and passed full-tongued, wailing out each word with due effect, thus: " my sweet 'eart's me mother The best the dearest of 'em all." "Hum!" murmured Young R., "I admire the sentiment, Brimberly, but the execution leaves something to be desired, perhaps " "If you'll only let me go out to 'em, sir!" groaned Mr.

"'Did you see the tiger? ses Bill Chambers. "'See it? ses the tramp, with a shiver. 'Oh, Lord! "He made signs for more brandy, and Henery Walker, wot was acting as landlord, without being asked, gave it to 'im. "'It chased me for over a mile, ses the tramp; 'my 'eart's breaking. "He gave a groan and fainted right off.