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I couldn't get any woman to help me, and a man I dursen't trust; but what with the Indians hereabout, who'd do odd jobs for me, and having everything sent from the North Fork, Jim and I managed to worry through. The Doctor would run up from Sacramento once in a while.

You don't know 'ow jealous he is. "'You go and fetch 'im, I ses. ''Ow dare you talk like that afore my wife! "'I dursen't take the responserbility, ses the cook. 'It might mean bloodshed. "'You go and fetch 'im, ses my missis. 'Never mind about the bloodshed. I don't. Open the door!

"None of your getting out and spreading tales. O'Brien's my friend; he'll never give me up. He dursen't. I know too much. You're a pirate! No doubt it was you who fired into them boats. By God I'll be witness against you if they give me up. I'll show you up." All the while the little Cuban talked swiftly and with a saturnine enthusiasm. He passed the wine rapidly. "My own countrymen!"

"And 'im obliged to stand up stiff, and dursen't say a word?" "Didn't you hear me say, `Drop it'?" "Yes, sir and one's blood b'iling all the while!" "Look here; you have been having it again, then, Pete?" "Again, sir! Why, I am always a-having of it." "What was it, now?" "I telled you, sir: nothing." "That was a lie, Pete. Now, wasn't it?" "Not a lie, sir. Only a little cracker."

"Praises him, my dear!" said the woman, looking at the speaker round-eyed. "Praises him! A-mussy me, what for?" "He says he's such a fine-looking man." "Fine-looking? Oh yes, he's fine-looking enough," said the woman scornfully. "And that he is so strong and manly and hearty, and that he never wants to come on the sick-list." "Sick-list! No, my dear, he dursen't.

"I'm not afraid of any damn thing" he said. "I've got a hold on that man. He dursen't give me up. I kin see! He's going to give you up and say you're responsible for it all." "I don't know what he's going to do," I answered. "Will you not, Señor," Salazar said suddenly, "relate, if you can without distress, the heroic death of that venerated man?" I glanced involuntarily at Nichols.

"`No, he says; `but you could get in a boat when it was dark and row away. `I dursen't, I says; `it would be stealing the boat. `You could borrow it, he says; `that's what I'm going to do. `You are? I says. `I am, he says; `for I'd sooner die o' thirst on the roaring main, he says, `than put up with any more. You did, didn't you, mate?" he cried, appealingly.

"He daren't go to the railway station, and he dursen't go outside in his uniform," continued Dan. "My 'art bled for the pore young feller, an' I've promised to give 'im a little trip to London with us. The people he's staying with won't have him no longer. They've only got one bed, and directly he sees any sojers coming he goes an' gits into it, whether he's got his boots on or not."

"They dursen't Wullie, not a man of them a'!" he cries. "They're one two three four eleven to one, Wullie, and yet they dursen't. Eleven of them, and every man a coward! Long Kirby Thornton Tupper Todd Hoppin Ross Burton and the rest, and not one but's a bigger man nor me, and yet Weel, we might ha' kent it. We should ha' kent Englishmen by noo. They're aye the same and aye have bin.

"Well, what's a few months' pay to men who've got their sea chesties chock full o' gold?" "That's true enough, messmate, but s'pose they turns nasty and picks up their guns. They're wunners to shoot." "They dursen't," said Jem scornfully. "It would be murder. Finding gold like this upsets everything else.