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This is now a sacred island, lying by the city, adorned with temples of the gods, and walks, and is called in the Latin tongue inter duos pontes.

Ego L. Metellum memini puer, qui, cum quadriennio post alterum consulatum pontifex maximus factus esset, viginti et duos annos ei sacerdotio praefuit, ita bonis esse viribus extremo tempore aetatis, ut adulescentiam non requireret. Nihil necesse est mihi de me ipso dicere, quamquam est id quidem senile aetatique nostrae conceditur.

They had done me the honour of thinking all these men necessary for my arrest, though, according to the axiom 'Ne Hercules quidem contra duos', two would have been enough. It is curious that in London, where everyone is brave, only one man is needed to arrest another, whereas in my dear native land, where cowardice prevails, thirty are required.

The long Parliament would give Charles the Second no other title than King of Scots. I also wrote to Sir Edward Walker, Kt. Garter King at Arms in 1659, he then being in Holland Tu, Dominusque vester videbitis Angliam, infra duos annos. For in 1662, his moon came by direction to the body of the sun. But he came in upon the ascendant directed unto the trine of Sol and antiscion of Jupiter.

Ab eo quoque loco non distat multum Ecclesia beatae Maaiae Aegyptiacae, in qua et eius tumba videtur: et haud procul inde est vicus Bethphage, vbi Christus misit ante passionis suae tempus duos de discipulis pro asina et pullo eius. Et in ipso castello, quod erat sororis Marthae, et Mariae rescuscitauit fratrem earum Lazarum quatriduanum mortuum.

VIGINTI ET DUOS: the commoner order of the words is duos et viginti; see n. on 13 centum ... annos. EI SACERDOTIO: 'that sacred college'; i.e. the pontifical college consisting of the pontifex maximus and the inferior pontifices. REQUIRERET: see n. on 13 quaereretur. NIHIL: n. on 1, l. 1 quid. MIHI: dat. for acc. to emphasize the person.

These principles once admitted, he succeeded, after numerous experiments, in enjoying silent melodies on his tongue, mute funeral marches, in hearing, in his mouth, solos of mint, duos of ratafia and rum.

These compositions are likely to be among the violin classics, though some of the violinists of the Spohr school have criticised them for want of depth. He produced seven concertos, eleven airs variés, several books of studies, four trios for piano, violin, and 'cello, and, together with Osborne, Thalberg, and other pianists, a number of brilliant duos for piano and violin.

Kirtley, my poor Kapellmeistership does not come along. It is most aggravating, as you say in English. I get so discouraged." He brightened again. "They tell me you and Elsa have been playing duos. Such good training. Very agreeable. We used to play together also. A nice girl to rub one's knees against under the piano oh, "I am Titania the blond, Titania, of the air!"

Hence, in the Motu Proprio Abhinc duos annos, the octaves of the calendar are divided into three great classes, privileged, common and simple. Privileged octaves are further divided into three orders.