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'Tis but since yeste'd'y that I jus appen to hea' Dr. Seveeah d'op a saying 'esembling to that. Yesseh, she's a v'ey 'emawkable, Mistoo Itchlin." "Is that what Dr. Sevier said?" Richling began to fear an ambush. "No, seh. What the Doctah say 'twas me'ly to 'emawk in his jocose way you know the Doctah's lill callous, jocose way, Mistoo Itchlin." He waved either hand outward gladsomely.

So saying, he did the proper thing. "Some un sick at yo' house, Mis' Carter?" inquired Lila. "Ah seed de doctah's kyar eroun' dar yestidy." "It was for my brother, Lila." "Sho! What's he done got de matter of 'im?" "Nobody seems to know what the disease is.

I see that p'int, anyway," said Mason Rogers, as he sat with chair tilted back, meditatively nibbling at the stem of his unlighted pipe. "Sartain Scriptures air made to suit sartain diseases, lak doctah's physic; an' ef took when the systum hain't jes' in the right fix fur it, they might kill, instid o' cure." Here Mrs.

Looking the way he pointed Rudolf saw above the entrance to a theatre the blazing electric sign of its new play, "The Green Door." "I'm informed dat it's a fust-rate show, sah," said the negro. "De agent what represents it pussented me with a dollar, sah, to distribute a few of his cards along with de doctah's. May I offer you one of de doctah's cards, sah?"

"What do you think I ought to do?" asked Lloyd, with a troubled face. "I like Mistah Shelby evah so much, and I'd like to be nice to him for the old doctah's sake if for no othah reason, for I'm devoted to him. And I really would enjoy seeing him often, especially now when everybody else is gone or going for the rest of the summah.