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"Caelicolae, mea membra, dei, quos nostra potestas Officiis, diversa facit." These fragments show an extraordinary power of condensed expression, as well as a clear grasp on the unity of the Supreme Being, for which reason they are quoted.

For examples see R. Exc. 4. For the principle cf. Curarum divisi. This clause means not merely, that his time was divided between business and relaxation; but that there was a broad line of demarcation between them, as he proceeds to explain. Divisa==diversa inter se. Dr. So Virg. Georg. 2, 116: divisae arboribus patriae==countries are distinguished from each other by their trees. Jam vero.

Quale nempe primordium, ovum est et plantarum semen; tale etiam viviparorum conceptus, et insectorum vermis ab Aristotele dictus: diversa scilicet diversorum viventium primordia." The definition of a germ as "matter potentially alive, and having within itself the tendency to assume a definite living form," appears to meet all the requirements of modern science.

Poetic justice befalls the two nymphs in an eclogue by Luca di Lorenzo, printed in 1530, the disdainful Diversa being condemned to love the boor Fantasia, while Euridice's loving disposition is rewarded by the devotion of Orindio. We now come to what may almost be regarded as the first conscious attempt to write a pastoral play an attempt, however, which met with but partial success.

"Facies, non omnibus una, Nec diversa tamen, qualem decet esse sororum."

There are four sister and parallel architectures, each having its special character, but derived from the same origin, the round arch. Facies non omnibus una, No diversa tamen, qualem, etc. Their faces not all alike, nor yet different, but such as the faces of sisters ought to be. This portion of the spire, which was of woodwork, is precisely that which was consumed by lightning, in 1823.

Flavia tears her Hair for his inglorious Safety, curses and despises her Charmer, is fallen in Love with Crastin: Which is the first Part of the History of the Rival Mother. No. 92. Friday, June 15, 1711. Addison. ... Convivae prope dissentire videntur, Poscentes vario multum diversa palato; Quid dem? Quid non dem? Hor.

They meet a citto that is a bambino in Sienese dialect who proves to be none other than Cupid himself, and rewards them according to their deserts, Euridice obtaining the love of the courtly shepherd Orindio, while Diversa is condemned to follow the rude and loveless Fantasia. The piece is written in a mixture of ottava and terza rima, with a variety of lyrics introduced.

'Tis indeed the only comfort I find in my old age, that it mortifies in me several cares and desires wherewith my life has been disturbed; the care how the world goes, the care of riches, of grandeur, of knowledge, of health, of myself. There are men who are learning to speak at a time when they should learn to be silent for ever. "Diversos diversa juvant; non omnibus annis Omnia conveniunt."

Terna tibi hæc primum, duplici diversa colore Licia circumdo. Ovid admits the power of such charms in the following lines: Carmine læsa, Ceres sterilem vanescit in herbam Deficiunt læsi carmine fontis aquæ: Ilicibus glandes, cantataque vitibus uva Decedit, et nulla forma movente, flexunt. Quid vetat et nervos Et juveni et Cupido, carmine abesse viro.