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A moment later I heard, through the deepening shadows of the wood into which he had disappeared, a rich, strong, baritone voice singing "La donna e mobile," from "Rigoletto." It was rough on Gilson. Such was the terse, cold, but not altogether unsympathetic judgment of the better public opinion at Mammon Hill the dictum of respectability.

Novel, Novelette, and Short-Story The Novel and the Novelette The Short-Story a Distinct Type The Dictum of Poe The Formula of Brander Matthews Definition of the Short-Story Explanation of This Definition: 1. "Single Narrative Effect"; 2. "Greatest Economy of Means"; and 3.

Lord Cromer quotes this dictum in his work on Egypt as giving an epitome of the kind of power behind the civilizing process as it has always manifested itself in the land of the Nile; and then, lest those of his readers who live in the glass house of English history should commit the ridiculous sin of unconscious hypocrisy, he gently but firmly reminds us that many inhumanities of a similar spirit, especially towards offenders against the laws of property, were not suppressed in England till the beginning of the nineteenth century.

She has got the better of you, and now you are going to send her away from the only chance she'll ever get of having a decent home of her own over her head." "There's nothing more to be said about it, my dear. She'll go to Lady Ushant" Having thus pronounced his dictum with all the marital authority he was able to assume he took his hat and sallied forth. Mrs.

He would say: Lord Rosebery whether intentionally or otherwise, we leave our readers to decide, or, with seeming conviction, or, doubtless giving rein to the playful humour which is characteristic of him, has expressed a sentiment, or, taken on himself to enunciate a theory, or, made himself responsible for a dictum, which,

And while not dogmatic, we ought to remember Bishop Butler's dictum, that if two views are opposed, and one is even a little more probable than the other, we ought to embrace it as though it were clearly demonstrated. Along the same line Mr. Gladstone says: "The free development of conviction is, upon the whole, the system most in favor both of truth and of charity."

These conditions must be met, not because of the dictum of any person, but because they are a fundamental demand of human nature, and must be reckoned with. What, then, is the relation of the rural school to these problems of the rural community? How can it be a factor in their solution? What are its opportunities and responsibilities? The adjustment of the rural school to its problem

He took the poetic dictum that "men must work and women must weep" a conception in his opinion too sentimentally onesided to be tolerated as one of the eternal verities of human existence and improved upon it. By virtue of the rough-and-ready authority vested in him he abolished the distinction between toil and tears, decreeing instead that women should suffer both.

A revelation of science is incompatible with any farther advance; it admits no employment save that of the humble commentator. The early ecclesiastical writers, or Fathers, as they are often called, came thus to be considered not only as surpassing all other men in piety, but also as excelling them in wisdom. Their dictum was looked upon as final.

He then proceeded to dispose of the case in hand by saying that Virginia having obtained an erroneous judgment against Cohens, Cohens had a right to appeal, and the suit still remained a suit by a State against him and not by him against a State. Unfortunately, here again came in next an obiter dictum.