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Your man was most particular to stipulate the pink and blue flowered brocades, next the Prince of Wales's." "But you must have the band stop that piece, Mr. Tyers," cried Lady Sarah. "I declare, it is too much for my nerves. Let them play Dibbin's Ephesian Matron." "As your Ladyship wishes," responded the obliging Mr. Tyers, and sent off an uniformed warder to the band-master.

Come in! come in! and bring him wi' you, him as is so big, and strong, him as I've expected so long, the tall, golden man from over seas. Bid him come in, Miss Anthea, that Goody Dibbin's old eyes may look at him at last." Hereupon, at a sign from Anthea, Bellew turned in at the gate, and striding up the path, entered the cottage.

Your man was most particular to stipulate the pink and blue flowered brocades, next the Prince of Wales's." "But you must have the band stop that piece, Mr. Tyers," cried Lady Sarah. "I declare, it is too much for my nerves. Let them play Dibbin's Ephesian Matron." "As your Ladyship wishes," responded the obliging Mr. Tyers, and sent off an uniformed warder to the band-master.

As Bellew looked at it now, that same small curl that nodded and beckoned to him above Anthea's left ear, he strongly inclined to the latter opinion. "Adam tells me that you are going out, Miss Anthea." "Only as far as Mrs. Dibbin's cottage, just across the meadow." "Adam also informs me that Mrs. Dibbin is a witch." "People call her so."

Your man was most particular to stipulate the pink and blue flowered brocades, next the Prince of Wales's." "But you must have the band stop that piece, Mr. Tyers," cried Lady Sarah. "I declare, it is too much for my nerves. Let them play Dibbin's Ephesian Matron." "As your Ladyship wishes," responded the obliging Mr. Tyers, and sent off an uniformed warder to the band-master.