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After a moment Allegheny spoke, and her speaking voice was in pleasing contrast to the nasal notes of that interrupted song. "Are them real di'mon's?" she queried, darkly. "Oh yes! And most of them are of very fine quality." "Pa never told us a word," breathed the mother. "He's allus up to some trick." "Please examine them. I want you to look them all over," Gray urged. Mrs.

Ma says you got a hull gripful o' di'mon's." "I have, indeed." Gray pointed to the glittering display still spread out upon the varicolored counterpane. Briskow approached the bed and gazed curiously, silently down at the treasure, then his face broke into a sunshiny smile. He wiped his hands upon his trousers legs and picked up a ring.

The mother faced the visitor at this announcement and for a moment she appeared to be gazing at a vision, for her wrinkled countenance was glorified. "You've seen 'em, haven't you, mister?" "Mountains? A great many." Allegheny broke in: "I dunno's these di'mon's is just what I expected 'em to be. They are and they ain't. I'm kind of disapp'inted." Gray smiled.

"Guess not," said the bartender. "Repeater, you know. Got twenty-seven di'mon's in the case. One of 'em's this size." He presented the end of a gnarled and muscular thumb. "And inside, the case is all wrote in a lot of soft sawder; but Jack ain't got anything he cares for so much. You can see he's always tickled to death when anybody asks him the time.

About th' time th' lord chamberlain wint over to tell her she was queen, an' she came out in her nitey to hear th' good news, I was announced into this wurruld iv sin an' sorrow. So ye see we've reigned about th' same lenth iv time, an' I ought to be cillybratin' me di'mon' jubilee. I wud, too, if I had anny di'mon's. Do ye r-run down to Aldherman O'Brien's an' borrow twinty or thirty f'r me.

Thrackles voiced approximately the general attitude. "Philosopher's stone or not, something's up. The old boy took too good care of that box, and he's spending too much money, and he's got hold of too much hell afloat to be doing it for his health." "You know w'at I t'ink?" smiled Perdosa. "He mak' di'mon's. He say dat."

I don' want dat one eye er his'n restin' on me no longer 'n I kin he'p, an' I don' know how I'm gwine ter like dis job ef he's gwine ter be comin' roun' here. He ain' nothin' but po' w'ite trash nohow; but Lawd! Lawd! look at de money he's got, livin' at de hotel, wearin' di'mon's, an' colloguin' wid de bes' quality er dis town! 'Pears ter me de bottom rail is gittin' mighty close ter de top.

Dere's a long table sot out in de bigges' dinin'-room, and heaps and heaps ob splendiferous china dishes, wid fruits and flowahs painted onto 'em, and silverware bright as de sun, and glass dishes dat sparkle like Miss Elsie's di'mon's; and in de kitchen dey's cookin' turkeys and chickens, and wild game ob warious kinds, and oysters in warious styles; 'sides all de pastry and cakes and fruits and ices, and oh, I cayn't begin to tell yo' all de good things the captain has perwided! dere wasn't never nuffin' grander at Ion or Wiamede or de Oaks, or any ob de grand places belongin' to our fam'lies."

"Greaser shooting-scrape, wasn't it?" "Yep! Well, I noticed first off that he's gettin fat; high-livin' fat, too, all in one spot, like he was playin' both ends ag'in the centre. Also he wore di'mon's fit to handle with ice-tongs. "Says I, lookin' at his side elevation, 'What's accented your middle syllable so strong, Mexico? "'Prosperity, politics, an' the Waldorf-Astorier, says he.

'Whew w! he softly whistled. 'Wall, it takes two mittens t'make a pair ye'll hev t'ask her ag in. 'Yes I cannot give her up, I said decisively, 'I must try to win her back. It isn't fair. I have no claim upon her. But I must do it. 'Consarn it! women like t'be chased, he said. 'It's their natur'. What do they fix up so fer di'mon's an' silks an' satins if 'tain't t'set men a chasm 'uv 'em?