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Butts, have you finished that drawing for Lady Pash's album?" and Butts produced it; and, "Did you match the silk for me at Delille's?" and there was the silk, bought, no doubt, with the poor fellow's last five francs; and, "Did you go to the furniture-man in the Rue St.

Delille's manners and conversation were far superior. I found in her a thoughtful, cultivated, balanced mind, inspiring genuine esteem. I was struck by her views of political events and characters. She touched lightly and skilfully upon various personages with wisdom and humor, but with charity.

It seemed as if Marie Antoinette were alive again, and to the Empress Delille's lines could have applied as well as to the Queen: "Like its August and youthful deity, Trianon combines grace with majesty: For her it adorns itself, is by her adorned."

Up it goes! but the player his triumph has missed, For the disc has come down on his maladroit wrist; But little he cares for the sting of the ball, A smile from his mistress consoles for it all. It was this delineation, worthy of Virgil, which first raised a doubt as to Delille's superiority over Gourdon.

He seemed to spite his restrictions; and out of the natural largeness of his sympathy with things high and low, to break at once out of Delille's Virgil into Cotton's, like a boy let loose from school.