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Except for occasional rains, our soldiering in the 75th Division sector, throughout February and the early part of March, was campaigning de luxe. The enemy had gone right back to the line of the Wadi Deir Ballut, leaving a No Man's Land in front of us about 4 miles across. He held advanced posts a mile or two in front of our line, but his guns had been taken well back out of range.

Un homme avoit parie 25 louis qu'il traverseroit le grand bassin des Thuileries par un froid tres rigoureux; il alla jusqu'au milieu, renonca a son entreprise, et revint par le meme chemin en disant, "J'aime mieux perdre vingt-cinq louis que d'avoir une fluxion de poitrine."

Ah done seen all de tricks of fightin' dat any man done know, an' Ah nebber yet seen no man dat could put any kind oh a blow ober on me to hurt!" The negro spoke boastfully, yet there could be no doubt that he believed all he said. Tom Reade next schemed to land a hard kick against the negro's shins. Ere he had his foot well lifted, however, the watchful Sambo seemed to divine the intent.

One is a rough suit, like a workingman's; another is a black-and-white sort of suit a check-suit; de oder one is for you a clargy's suit, sir. You make very nice young minister, for sure." "All right, Dan!" Vincent said laughing; "give me the minister's suit." "Then I will be the countryman," Geary said.

"I believed myself to be loved by your family," cried the King. "What must I do, then, to be loved? And, great God! with what a set I am surrounded!" All these things transpired. Soon we saw the father of the audacious De Liancourt arrive like a man bereft of his wits. He ran to precipitate himself at the feet of the King.

"It is my duty," he thought, "to cause those hungry, sad-looking men to follow me and watch me eat my lunch. It is my duty. God give me strength! For unless I make this sacrifice of my gentler nature I shall be unworthy to call myself a public man, or to be reported in the newspapers. 'En avant, de Bracy!" So musing, he rose, and Blink with him.

Belasez's work was done, and entirely to the satisfaction of the Countess. So much, also, did the Princess Marjory admire it, that she requested another scarf might be worked for her, to be finished in time for her approaching marriage. She was now affianced to Gilbert de Clare, the new Earl of Pembroke.

It was, she felt, best out of the way, even though insurance offices, for reasons which she did not pretend to follow, would not willingly insure such stray lives. "Not but what Jenny didn't tend to Arthur as though he'd come all proper at de end of de first year like Jenny herself." Thanks to Miss Florence, the child had been buried with a pomp which, in Mrs.

That Madame de Montesson might have a striking proof of Bonaparte's good-will, he renewed her yearly pension of one hundred and eighty thousand francs, which the duke had donated to her in his will, and which Bonaparte restored to her as the property which the revolution had confiscated for the nation's welfare.

Daveluy, L'Esprit de la Guerre Navale, vol. i, p. 27, note. Military phraseology, from which the word is taken, employs "concentration" in three senses. It is used for assembling the units of an army after they have been mobilised.