United States or Democratic Republic of the Congo ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

And Injun and Whitey used to interpret the calls of the prairie chicks to: "Char-lie Clar-k Char-lie Clar-k Char-lie Clar-k " for the hens, and: "Darn'd ol-fool " for the males. And so the boys went on their merry, heedless way.

By my military reputation, I never let a chance to trade slip. Yes, by my buttons, I made a good thing of it when at the head of my regiment in Mexico." This the major said by way of softening the fishmonger's generosity; but that honest-minded individual replied in the following laconic manner: "Bin in Mexaki, eh? Darn'd if I'd like to bin there."

He takes and goes and hangs unsel', and turns us out of his employ. God warn't above the devil then, I thinks, or I can't make out the reckonin'." The tinker cleared his throat, and said it was a bad case. "And a darn'd bad case. I'll tak' my oath on't!" cried Speed-the-Plough. "Well, look heer! Heer's another darn'd bad case.

And what's more," replied Handy, the humorous side appealing to his fancy, "let me tell you, as a dead one you would have drawn a darn'd sight bigger house than you ever can as a live actor." Notwithstanding his troubles, Fogg appreciated the humorous sally of his associate. He threw himself back on his bed and enjoyed a hearty laugh.

For Joan stood in front of me, dress'd in the very clothes I had worn on the day we first met buff-coat, breeches, heavy boots, and all. Her back was toward me, and at the shoulder, where the coat had been cut away from my wound, I saw the rents all darn'd and patch'd with pack thread. In her hand was the mirror I had given her.

"Here it is," he continued, as he set it down in their midst, "and a darn'd sight too good for you it is too, and mighty thankful you had oughter be that you fell into a gentleman's hands, and one that knows how to treat you. If I had the right I'd starve you all, blast your picters."

"And of course, the next thing, you'll ring your snout like a pig or a Patagonian. There, come along, ye darn'd Anomaly." He was going to say "Cuss," but remembering his pupil's late heroic conduct, softened it down to Anomaly. But Vespasian always measured the force of words by their length or obscurity.

He takes and goes and hangs unsel', and turns us out of his employ. God warn't above the devil then, I thinks, or I can't make out the reckonin'." The tinker cleared his throat, and said it was a bad case. "And a darn'd bad case. I'll tak' my oath on't!" cried Speed-the-Plough. "Well, look heer! Heer's another darn'd bad case.

"You're a lucky man. . . . Where did Cap'n Hunken keep his?" "Darn'd if I know. Somewheres about. He was always a bit careless over his securities and so I've told him a dozen times," "When did you tell him last?" This was a facer, and it made Cai blink. "We haven't discussed these things much not of late," he answered lamely. "I reckoned not. He don't keep 'em in his strong-box?"

If his rifle didn't shoot plum, he'd a bowie as 'ud rise her hide, and no mistake. He'd be darn'd if he didn't make meat of that bar in the morning. WE were now steering by compass. Our course was nearly north-west. This we kept, as well as the formation of the country and the watercourses would permit.