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Elmer inquired. "Well, it daon't stand tuh reason he did," replied the other, gravely; "even if he had holt o' one at the time, he never'd a held on tuh hit arter that rope had slung him head down'ards. Guess I ort tuh know. If any o' yuh wants tuh feel what it's like, I'll rig the trap up agin in the mawnin' for yuh.

"I sye," he cried, all at once scrambling up and clawing at our arms, "D'd the bally ha'nt show up agyne?" And as we nodded he went on more aggrievedly than ever "Oh, I sye, y' know, I daon't like this. I eyen't shipping in no bloomin' 'ooker wot carries a ha'nt for supercargo. They waon't no good come o' this cruise no, they waon't. It's a sign, that's wot it is.

"I tell you, she's gone out," said Wilfred, whose only spark of remaining courage was due to the fact that he had prudently kept the door on the chain. "And Mater said you weren't to come in here." From the area below a shrill voice floated upwards. "Mr. Bob! Mr. Bob! Daon't you believe 'im. They got Miss 'Cilia locked up in 'er room." "By Jove!" said Bob between his teeth. "Bless you, Eliza!

"Oo's goin' to stop me, Mister Nosey Parker?" sneered the boy, with a flourish of his axe. "I am," said Angel, "'cos it's my dog, see?" He coolly turned his back on the boy and bent over the terrier, who came to him cautiously, sniffing his legs. "Your dorg!" scoffed the boy, "w'y daon't yer feed 'im then? 'E's arf starved, 'e is. Yer ought to be 'ad up fer perwention of cruelty to hanimals.

The Bruiser watched him furtively with little piglike eyes. "And who might ye be, stranger?" he asked when Benito set down his glass. "'Awkins that's as good a nyme as another," said Benito, essaying the cockney speech. "And what ye daon't know won't 'urt you, my friend." He threw down a silver piece, took the bottle and glass with him and sat down at a table near the corner.

Then Uncle Jeb shook his head and said, "It daon't come out through Rebels' Cave, I reckon. I ain't never explored Rebel's Cave, but it daon't come out thar, nohow." I was just trembling all over when I heard him say that. "It was the only way he could do, anyway," I said. "It must come out somewhere." Mr. Elting said, "We're not blaming you, my boy, nor Winton, either."

"Ow," yelled the boy, doubling up, "'e's bit me sumpfin' cruel! You see if I daon't brain 'im for that!" He snatched up an axe and brandished it. The terrier dropped its sausage and showed its little pointed teeth. We three, with one impulse, flung ourselves between it and the boy. "You dare touch that dog," shouted Angel.