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She stroked a tear down her cheek with a thick forefinger. "I'll niver go back. Niver!" "Come away with yuh, Mary Cregan," Mrs. Byrne cried, in her breathy huskiness. "At your age! Faith, yuh're as flighty as one o' them girls with the pink silk petticoats. He's yer husban', ain't he? D'yuh think yuh were married over the broomstick? Come an' behave yerself like a decent woman.

He'll shake hands, and " "Uh-huh, I see the point, I guess. What d'yuh say, kid?" Keith might seem boyish, but he did not enjoy being addressed as "kid." He was twenty-eight years old, whether he looked it or not. "I say this: If you take my horse, I'll kill you. I'll have twenty-five cow-punchers camping on your trail before sundown. If you take this girl's horse, I'll do the same."

"He's trying to make me let go all holds and tip my hand," he thought, keenly reading him, and he steadied himself. "What d'yuh mean by me pouring oil on fire!" Baumberger urged banteringly. "Sounds like the hero talking to the villain in one of these here save-him-he's-my-sweetheart plays." "You go to the devil," said Good Indian shortly.

He laughed slyly at Mira from the corner of his eyes, and she laughed back, with a tinge of sadness in the tone, and turned away to take the painter from Juno. A second horse that had followed Whiskers from the trees stepped aboard the raft after the pinto. "Bes' wait till it's darker," advised Blue Pete. "They got mighty peery since that las' raft showed us up. How d'yuh like the new one?

Marthy was going slowly up the path to the cabin, looking old and bent and broken-spirited because of her bowed shoulders and stiff, rheumatic gait, but harsh and unyielding as to her face. Billy Louise stopped by the fence and called to her. Marthy turned, stared at her sourly, and stood where she was. "Wall, what d'yuh want now?" she asked uncompromisingly.

"Down the creek say, by the great Jehosophat!" Piegan exclaimed. "D'yuh remember that racket in the water this mornin'? Yuh wait." He turned and ran down-stream. Almost instantly the smoke had swallowed him. MacRae stood staring for a second or two, then turned and scattered the fire broadcast on the sand with a movement of his foot.

Wrenn dashed up to the Brass-button Man at his station before the Nickelorion, crying: "Say! You come from Ireland, don't you?" "Now what would you think? Me oh no; I'm a Chinaman from Oshkosh!" "No, honest, straight, tell me. I've got a chance to travel. What d'yuh think of that? Ain't it great! And I'm going right away. What I wanted to ask you was, what's the best place in Ireland to see?"

"He can't entertain me," said Perry. "Not a little bit." And suddenly with that Devereau was suave no longer. He leaped up and thumped upon a desk. He slitted his pale eyes. "Say, what d'yuh think you are?" he raved. "Talking to me like that!" Blair did not attempt to shout him down, and yet he made himself heard. "Not Pig-iron Dunham's man," he answered. "Nor yet yours.

An' a funny thing is, somehow or other you was concerned in the other meeting like you are in this." "Well, that's interesting," said Larcher, recalling how Turl had once seemed to be haunting his footsteps. "I've got it!" cried Mr. Bud, triumphantly. "D'yuh mind that night you came and told me about Davenport's disappearance? and we went up an' searched my room fur a trace?"

Cash turned over with a groan, his two palms pressed against his splitting head, and hoarsely commanded the two to shut up that infernal noise. He was a sick man. He was a very sick man, and he had stood the limit. "Shut up?" Bud shouted above the din of Lovin Child. "Ain't I trying to shut him up, for gosh sake? What d'yuh want me to do? let him throw all the tobacco you got into the fire?