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From where I was, it looked as if we was gettin' a good poundin' yestirday." "D'yeh think so?" inquired the friend. "I thought we handled 'em pretty rough yestirday." "Not a bit," said the youth. "Why, lord, man, you didn't see nothing of the fight. Why!" Then a sudden thought came to him. "Oh! Jim Conklin's dead." His friend started. "What? Is he? Jim Conklin?" The youth spoke slowly. "Yes.

The figure leaped about in a foolish way, and rolled on the grass in unwield play. Heeley burst into laughter. "It's that blanky monkey," he said. "D'yeh mean t' say you leave four thousan' quids' worth o' monkey run round loose in the bush like this?" Mr. Heeley grinned amiably, replaced the revolver on the stump, and turned his attention to the cash box once more.

Two more beehs, d'yeh hear?" He leaned back and critically regarded the person of a girl with a straw-colored wig who upon the stage was flinging her heels in somewhat awkward imitation of a well-known danseuse.

The two men laughed. "Why, can't you understand it would be sure death to fight a sword duel with this fellow?" "Dat's all right! See? I know me own business. If he wants t' fight one of dees d n duels, I'm in it, understan'" "Have you ever fought one, you fool?" "No, I ain't. But I will fight one, dough! I ain't no muff. If he wants t' fight a duel, by Gawd, I'm wid 'im! D'yeh understan' dat!"

From where I was, it looked as if we was gettin' a good poundin' yestirday." "D'yeh think so?" inquired the friend. "I thought we handled 'em pretty rough yestirday." "Not a bit," said the youth. "Why, lord, man, you didn't see nothing of the fight. Why!" Then a sudden thought came to him. "Oh! Jim Conklin's dead." His friend started. "What? Is he? Jim Conklin?" The youth spoke slowly. "Yes.

He rose and brushed his hair as well as he could, folded his blankets up, and went out to find his companions. They stood gazing silently at the river and at the hills. "Looks nat'cherl, don't it?" they said as he came out. "That's what it does," he replied. "An' it looks good. D'yeh see that peak?"

D'yeh hear me?" and he lifted a trembling forefinger and thrust it almost into Cameron's face. Cameron stood regarding him in silent and contemptuous amazement. Neither of them saw a dark form standing back out of the moonlight, inside the door. At last Cameron spoke. "Now what the deuce does all this mean?" he said slowly. "Is this girl by any unhappy chance engaged to you?"

"D'yeh mean t' say that animal's worth four thousan' quid?" asked one of these. "Four thousand seven hundred pounds, fifteen shillings, is the exact sum what was offered me by the Anthropological Society of Berlin," said the Professor, "but I wouldn't part with him for ten thousand."

"Shut up er I'll smack yer mout'. See?" As his sister continued her lamentations, he suddenly swore and struck her. The little girl reeled and, recovering herself, burst into tears and quaveringly cursed him. As she slowly retreated her brother advanced dealing her cuffs. The father heard and turned about. "Stop that, Jim, d'yeh hear? Leave yer sister alone on the street.

He was awakened by Frank, who was rousing him to serve a purpose of his own. John was ten and Frank fifteen; he rubbed his sleepy eyes and rose under orders. "Say, Johnny, what d'yeh s'pose them fellers are doen' in there? You said Steve was goin' to lick Lime, you did. It don't sound much like it in there. Hear 'um laugh," he said viciously and regretfully.