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"If you mean to insinuate," burst forth the Chevalier. "I mean to insinuate nothing. I leave insinuations and innuendoes to chevaliers d'industrie. I mean to prove everything." Mr. St.

"Of course take brevet rank as 'gentleman. An 'M.A. and a gentleman. Lovely!" "And you," shouted the little man, with a sudden spasm of rage "you who presume to lecture me are a man who has been expelled from Cambridge, a man of no means and no profession, a blackmailer a a " He spluttered and stopped for want of epithets. "Blackleg," I suggested, "chevalier d'industrie, and all the rest of it.

He has his regular routes and customers whom he visits, and some of these chevaliers d'industrie keep regular lists of the charitable, their residences, what is the proper time to call, and the probable result of such visit.

The whole affair had taken place while Charlie was in Rome; and it will readily be imagined that he felt no little indignation, when he met a person whom he strongly suspected of being this very chevalier d'industrie, flourishing at Saratoga, by the side of his uncle Joseph's daughter.

Before sending the invitation they smiled, cut out the C, added the proper punctuation marks, and all was well. While walking on the campus before being capped and gowned, Jacob saw two professors strolling nearby. Their voices, long adapted to indoor acoustics, undesignedly reached his ear. "There goes the latest chevalier d'industrie," said one of them, "to buy a sleeping powder from us.

Why should I not get ashore there and work out the hard problem that was engaging me? So far I had made no scheme of ultimate route. The meeting at the Mahon hotel with that cheery chevalier d'industrie Haigh, and the knowledge that that more robust brigand, his blustering, heavy-fisted partner Cospatric, was close at hand, had given me little leisure to plan far ahead.

The duke long cherished a strong curiosity to know what had become of Randal. He never traced the adventurer to his closing scene. "An Englishman," said the official. "He was brought hither insensible, from a severe wound on the head, inflicted, as we discovered, by a well-known chevalier d'industrie, who declared that the Englishman had outwitted and cheated him.

The lower orders, such as the humming-bird with his insect-like stomach and sucking-tube, and so on up through the warblers and flycatchers, more strictly bound by the necessities of their life, closely follow the sun, while the upper-ten-thousand, the robins, cedar-birds, sparrows, etc., like man, omnivorous in their diet and their attendant chevaliers d'industrie, the rapacious birds, allow themselves greater latitude, and go and come occasionally at all seasons, though in general tending to the south in winter and north in summer.

Sooner or later, this order of things will assuredly be overturned by the social revolution. Property will pass away into the limbo of melancholy memories and with it, alas! we will disappear from the face of the earth, we, les braves chevaliers d'industrie." The orator paused to take the tray from the hands of the porter, and placed it near to his hand on the table.

"Received payment, 13.31 J. D., S. C. D. Per Charles E. Kanapeaux, Clerk." Thus ended the scene. The little darkie might have said when he was in jail, "Je meurs de faim, et l'on ne mapport‚ rien;" and when he left, "Il est faufite avec les chevaliers d'industrie." WE must now return to Manuel. He was in close confinement, through Mr. Grimshaw's orders.