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Bernard had published a volume of odes: 'Plus Deuil que Joie' , which was not much noticed, but a series of stories in the same year gained him the reputation of a genial 'conteur'. They were collected under the title 'Le Noeud Gordien', and one of the tales, 'Une Aventure du Magistrat, was adapted by Sardou for his comedy 'Pommes du voisin'. 'Gerfaut', his greatest work, crowned by the Academy, appeared also in 1838, then followed 'Le Paravent', another collection of novels ; 'Les Ailes d'Icare ; La Peau du Lion and La Chasse aux Amants ; L'Ecueil ; Un Beau-pere ; and finally Le Gentilhomme campagnard, in 1847.

Let us give an instance: it is from the amusing novel called "Les Ailes d'Icare," and contains what is to us quite a new picture of a French fashionable rogue. The fashions will change in a few years, and the rogue, of course, with them. Let us catch this delightful fellow ere he flies.

Bernard had published a volume of odes: 'Plus Deuil que Joie' , which was not much noticed, but a series of stories in the same year gained him the reputation of a genial 'conteur'. They were collected under the title 'Le Noeud Gordien', and one of the tales, 'Une Aventure du Magistrat, was adapted by Sardou for his comedy 'Pommes du voisin'. 'Gerfaut', his greatest work, crowned by the Academy, appeared also in 1838, then followed 'Le Paravent', another collection of novels ; 'Les Ailes d'Icare ; La Peau du Lion and La Chasse aux Amants ; L'Ecueil ; Un Beau-pere ; and finally Le Gentilhomme campagnard, in 1847.