United States or France ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Now, if the object of the committee had been to furnish the applicant with material for the manufacture of an appropriate headdress for himself, no one could reasonably have found fault with them: but the foolscap was not to be utilized in that way; it was called a 'Record Paper', three pages of it were covered with insulting, inquisitive, irrelevant questions concerning the private affairs and past life of the 'case' who wished to be permitted to work for his living, and all these had to be answered to the satisfaction of Messrs D'Encloseland, Bosher, Sweater, Rushton, Didlum, Grinder and the other members of the committee, before the case stood any chance of getting employment.

The Working-man's Friend! 'Vote for Sweater and Temperance Reform. 'Vote for Sweater Free Trade and Cheap Food. or 'Vote for D'Encloseland: Tariff Reform and Plenty of Work! This beautiful idea 'Plenty of Work' appealed strongly to the Tory workmen.

They had no complaint to make about the salary, all they complained of was the short notice. It wasn't fair because while they the leading Liberals had been treating the electors with the contemptuous indifference that is customary, Sir Graball D'Encloseland had been most active amongst his constituents for months past, cunningly preparing for the contest.

No fewer than 649 letters had been sent out from the office, and 97 postcards. After this very explicit financial statement came the most important part of the report: 'Thanks are expressed to Sir Graball D'Encloseland for a donation of 2 guineas. Mrs Grosare, 1 guinea. Mrs Starvem, Hospital tickets. Lady Slumrent, letter of admission to Convalescent Home. Mrs Knobrane, 1 guinea.

Next D'Encloseland appeared and he was seen to shake hands with Mr Sweater, whom he referred to as 'My friend'.

Sir Graball D'Encloseland, for instance, was a 'Secretary of State' and was paid L5,000 a year.

The Mayor, Alderman Sweater, presided, and amongst those present were Sir Graball D'Encloseland, Lady D'Encloseland, Lady Slumrent. Rev. The Secretary read the annual report which contained the following amongst other interesting items: During the year, 1,972 applications for assistance have been received, and of this number 1,302 have been assisted as follows: Bread or grocery orders, 273.

The tea was served in the schoolrooms and each child was presented with a gilt-edged card on which was a printed portrait of the little hostess, with 'From your loving little friend, Honoria D'Encloseland', in gold letters.

Sir Graball D'Encloseland had been promoted to yet a higher post in the service of the country that he owned such a large part of; he was not only to have a higher and more honourable position, but also as was nothing but right a higher salary.

After a few minutes the names were again slid into view, this time with Sweater's name on top, and the figures appeared immediately afterwards: Sweater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,221 D'Encloseland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,200 It was several seconds before the Liberals could believe their eyes; it was too good to be true.