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On leaving the church, she went to see the place where Bonchamp is buried, and, under a tent, partook of a repast offered her by the Countess d'Autichamp.

Unfortunately, it was a confidential post, and the Russians were so offended that Paul could not leave the Count d'Autichamp in it for long. But he made amends in such a way as to secure him against poverty.

Of these last some were even generously assisted by him. I will mention as an instance the Count d'Autichamp, who, finding himself in St. Petersburg without any resources whatever, had hit upon the idea of making a very pretty elastic shoe. I bought a pair, which the same evening I showed to several women of the court at Princess Dolgoruki's.

"So, with the chivalry that is the basis of your nature, you undertook to bring me the treaty signed on the 25th. The Abbe Bernier, d'Autichamp, Chatillon, and Suzannet signed your pass, and here you are." "On my word, general, I must admit that you are perfectly well-informed. The First Consul desires peace with all his heart.

But he forgot that at the present there are two Vendees the Vendee of the left bank, and the Vendee of the right bank and that, after treating with d'Autichamp, Chatillon, and Suzannet at Pouance, it would still be necessary to negotiate with Frotte, Bourmont and Cadoudal and where? That no one could tell " "Except you, general."

"In what way?" "By resuming hostilities." "But are you aware that Chatillon, d'Autichamp and Suzannet have laid down their arms?" "They are the leaders of the Vendeans, and in the name of the Vendeans they can do as they see fit. I am the leader of the Chouans, and in the name of the Chouans I shall do what suits me." "Then you condemn this unhappy land to a war of extermination, general!"

After the ceremony, Charles X. held a chapter of the order, in which he named twenty-one cordons bleus: the Dukes d'Uzes, de Chevreuse, de Boissac, de Mortemart, de Fitz-James, de Lorges, de Polignac, de Maille, de Castries, de Narbonne, the Marshal Count Jordan, the Marshal Duke of Dalmatia, the Marshal Duke of Treviso, the Marquis de la Suze, the Marquis de Bre'ze', Marquis de Pastoret, Count de La Ferronays, Viscount d'Agoult, Marquis d'Autichamp, Ravez, Count Juste de Noailles.

For the rest, the latter was at Pouance, where conferences were being held between Chatillon, d'Autichamp, the Abbe Bernier, and General Hedouville. He was reflecting this last survivor of the great warriors of the civil war and the news he had just received was indeed a matter for deep reflection.