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I can answer for its pleasing the few intelligent Frenchmen who may be there; as for the numskulls why, it would be no great misfortune if they were dissatisfied. I have some hope, nevertheless, that even the dunces among them may find something to admire. Besides, I have been careful not to neglect le premier coup d'archet; and that is sufficient.

I have never failed to give a pupil a good staccato by this exercise, which comprises the principle of all genuine staccato playing. "One of the most difficult of all bowings is the simple up-and-down stroke used in the second Kreutzer étude, that is to say, the bowing between the middle and point of the bow, tête d'archet, as the French call it.

If I had not rearranged mine there would not be one tied in the whole kingdom now, and a great art would have been prematurely lost. You have not yet began to practise it?" I confessed that I had not. "You should begin now in your youth. I will myself teach you the coup d'archet.

INA KLOSKING worked night and day upon Siebel, in Gounod's "Faust," and upon the songs that had been added to give weight to the part. She came early to the theater at night, and sat, half dressed, fatigued, and nervous, in her dressing-room. Crash! the first coup d'archet announced the overture, and roused her energy, as if Ithuriel's spear had pricked her.

Nick took his place at the side of the ring. "Now, Cicely!" said he. "Thou'lt call 'Sa sa! and give me the time of the coup d'archet?" she whispered, timidly hesitant, as she stepped to the midst of the ring. "Ay, then," said he, "'tis off, 'tis off!" and struck up a lively tune, snapping his fingers for the time. Cicely, bowing all about her, slowly began to dance.

Suddenly Sir Charles paused, his coup d'archet half-executed, the final beauty of his neck-cloth half-achieved, while he listened with surprise and indignation upon his large, comely, fresh-complexioned face. Below, the decorous hum of Jermyn Street had been broken by the sharp, staccato, metallic beating of a doorknocker.

"Que dites-vous du premier coup d'archet? avez-vous entendu le premier coup d'archet?" "Oui, j'ai entendu le premier et le dernier." "Comment le dernier? que veut dire cela?"