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This was the key to his mysterious sickness; and while his companions congratulated themselves upon Cyd's expected recovery, it was deemed prudent to place all the intoxicating beverages on board in a secure place. A locker in Lily's cabin was selected for this purpose, and it was soon out of Cyd's reach.

"Have you got over being scared?" "Never was skeered." "You said you were." "Cyd's only jokin den. I done feel so kinder stirred up. I done want to holler make de nigger feel good." "Hush! They are coming!" exclaimed Dan, whose quick eye detected a stealthy movement on the part of the boat. "Hallo! In the boat, thar," shouted the slave-hunter. "Well. What do you want?"

The coxswain was then sent, and during his absence, Archy amused himself in pointing out the enormity of Cyd's conduct, first in bringing one pair, and then bringing the wrong pair of gloves. Dandy returned in fifteen minutes, and after snarling at him for being so long, Master Archy gave the order for the boat to push off.

Lily was sick a fortnight, and Dan a week; their fuel gave out in the coldest of the weather; and an alligator bit off the heel of Cyd's boots; and a hundred other events occurred which would bear an extended recital; but we turn from them, with regret, to the closing events in the career of the young fugitives.

All his orders were questioned, and the boat was liable to go to the bottom in an emergency, because his commands were not promptly obeyed. He was not a little astonished at Cyd's conduct, for in the boat of Master Archy he was in the habit of obeying all orders like a machine, never presuming to ask a question, or suggest a doubt.

All dat's bery fine, and Cyd's gwine to set down at de fus table." "Here, Cyd," called Dan, through the sky-light, as he proceeded to pass down the breakfast. "Put them on the table." "Mossifus! Do you think Cyd don't know what to do wid dese yere tings? I knows what fried bacon's fur!"

Dis chile ain't no coward, no how," growled Cyd, as he cast his eyes at the sails. "Fire away dar, and show dese folks Cyd's no coward!" "Gwine to fire into dem folks in de boat?" asked Quin. "I am, if occasion requires," replied Dan, as he discharged the gun he held in his hand in the direction of the pursuers. "But I want to let them know that we are armed, and able to give as good as they send.

"Yes, if we get off, and the plan works well. But you must be very careful." "You kin trust dis chile, Dandy. You knows you kin." "I do, or I should not have made you my companion." Dandy instructed his sable friend very minutely in the duties he was to discharge in connection with the enterprise. He had every confidence in Cyd's discretion, and knew that he would rather die than betray him.

"What do you think, Cyd?" "Hossifus! Cyd tinks he's sleepy," yawned he, opening his mouth in a fearful gape. "I's stand up to dat, for shore." "Very well; but one of us shall stand watch while the others sleep. Which shall it be?" "I'll be de fus. I done sleep some last night," said Quin. "You didn't shet your eyes once." "Whose turn next?" "Cyd's, for sartin. You'm did a big ting last night, Dan.