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"And we, we will have charge of the attack on the cuartel, so that we can say to the members of the Guardia Civil that our father had sons." "How many will there be of you?" "Five! Five will be enough. Don Crisostomo's servant says that there will be twenty in all." "And if things don't turn out well?" "St!" said one, and they all became silent.

"I note the absence of our great preacher," timidly remarked an employee of inoffensive aspect who had not opened his mouth up to the time of eating, and who spoke now for the first time in the whole morning. All who knew the history of Crisostomo's father made a movement and winked, as if to say, "Get out! Fools rush in " But some one more charitably disposed answered, "He must be rather tired."

Fearful of meeting the civil-guards, he made his way along through yards and gardens, in one of which he thought he could discern two human figures, but he kept on his way, leaping over fences and walls, until after great labor he reached the other end of the town and went toward Crisostomo's house. In the doorway were the servants, lamenting their master's arrest.

The civil-guards burned Don Crisostomo's house down, and if they hadn't arrested him first they would have burned him also." "They burned the house down?" "All the servants are under arrest. Look, you can still see the smoke from here!" answered the narrator, approaching the window. "Those who come from there tell of many sad things." All looked toward the place indicated.

The speaker had an inoffensive look and before this had not opened his mouth, except to eat, during the entire morning. All who knew the life of Crisostomo's father twitched their eyes significantly and seemed to say by their movements: "Go on! It's a bad beginning that you have made!" But others, more benevolently disposed, replied: "He must be somewhat fatigued." "What?

Padre Damaso's smile became nervous when he saw Maria Clara seated at Crisostomo's right. He took a seat beside the alcalde and said in the midst of a significant silence, "Were you discussing something, gentlemen? Go ahead!" "We were at the toasts," answered the alcalde.

"If you promise not to escape, we will not handcuff you. The alferez grants this favor, but if you flee " Ibarra followed, leaving the servants in consternation. In the meantime, what had become of Elias? On leaving Crisostomo's house, like a madman, he ran about without knowing where. He crossed fields, and in violent agitation arrived at a forest. He was fleeing from people, and from light.

They say that many escaped. The Civil Guards burned Don Crisostomo's house, and if they had not taken him prisoner, they would have burned him, too." "They burned the house?" "All the servants were arrested. Why, you can still see the smoke from here!" said the narrator, approaching the window. "Those who come from there relate very sad things." All looked toward the place indicated.

Then turning to Capitan Basilio, as the madwoman ran away, he asked, "Wasn't she in the house of a physician? Has she been cured?" Capitan Basilio smiled bitterly. "The physician was afraid they would accuse him of being a friend of Don Crisostomo's, so he drove her from his house. Now she wanders about again as crazy as ever, singing, harming no one, and living in the woods."

I'll look after the convento to settle some old scores with the curate." "And we'll take care of the barracks to show the civil-guards that our father had sons." "How many of us will there be?" "Five, and five will be enough. Don Crisostomo's servant, though, says there'll be twenty of us." "What if you don't succeed?" "Hist!" exclaimed one of the shadows, and all fell silent.