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The memory of this excellent man ought to be still precious to persons of knowledge and good sense, because he is the author of the book entitled: Cautio Criminalis circa Processus contra Sagas, which has caused much stir, and has been translated into several languages.

To man, money is like a train going into a tunnel. It goes in at one end and out at the other, and leaves nothing. Never judge a person's way by what the other people say. There are only two sides to business: what I.O.U. and what U.O.I. Where there is abundance there is likely to be waste and lack of economy. A one dollar contra is often used to stave off a hundred dollar account.

And beneath this rudely wrought symbol of the Perpetual Calm appeared in big, coarse type the title of a prayer that has been offered up through many a century, doubtless, by wives of Spanish mariners, Contra las Tempestades. Once she became very much frightened.

Men simply thought of God as God, as a child thinks of its father, and does not even raise the question of a second. Augustine, in quoting Cyprian, shows that the fathers of the Church looked upon Plato as a monotheist. Angus., De Baptismo contra Donat., Lib. VI., Cap.

I shall leave you, my dear, to enlighten the son on our new projects, while I walk over to the cottage " He stopped; his eyebrows contra cted a little; and he looked aside hesitatingly at Mrs. Vanstone. "What must you do at the cottage, papa?" asked Magdalen, after having vainly waited for him to finish the sentence of his own accord. "I must consult Frank's father," he replied.

There is much conflicting evidence regarding Washington's later dancing exploits. Some writers say that he never tripped the light fantastic after the Revolution and that one of his last participations was at the Fredericksburg ball after the capture of Cornwallis when he "went down some dozen couple in the contra dance."

Arnold, "full of errors and mistaken inferences, and written in ignorance of many facts which it was the duty of the President to consider." Life of Lincoln, 254. But, per contra, Hon. George W. Julian says: "It was one of the most powerful appeals ever made in behalf of justice and the rights of man." Polit. Recoil. 220.

It remains to be seen whether the representatives of the Church will take up this work and perfect it; or per contra in response to the demand for a "Commission of Experts," or the specious but utterly impracticable proposal of concerted action with the Church of England, will decide to postpone the whole affair to the Greek Kalends.

Gabriel's dark face kindled as he spoke, and Sylvia drearily wished he would remember how ill-bred it was to tire her with complaints of her friend, and raptures over his cousin. He seemed to perceive this, turned a little haughty at her silence, and when he spoke was all the stranger again. "This is a contra danza; shall we give the snow-ladies another lesson?

It was now lightly roofed over with boards and tarpaulin against the winter rain, but still afforded her a veranda-like space before the gallery door, where she could read or sew, looking over the bow of the Pontiac to the tossing bay or the further range of the Contra Costa hills.