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L'autorite municipale a compare les papiers trouves dans les poches de l'inconnu et a constate qu'ils sont en rapport avec ceux que la femme Reeb porte sur elle, et sur ce fait, et voyant que l'homme etait mort sans violence, a laisse ses restes a elle qui se dit sa veuve et qui lui a rendu les derniers honneurs au cimetiere de notre village."

But if we do not, as science does, merely constate the fact that in religion an end is aimed at, viz. that communion with God which issues in doing His will from love of Him and therefore of our fellow-man; if we recognise that end as the end that ought to be aimed at, then our attitude towards the whole process of evolution is changed: it is now a process with an end and that end the same for the individual and for society.

These comparisons are not invidious; I don't conclude against one party and in favor of the other; as the French say, je constate simply. The French people about me were "spending the summer" just as I had so often seen my fellow countrymen spend it, and it seemed to me, as it had seemed to me at home, that this operation places men and women under a sort of monstrous magnifying glass.

«Mais ce n'est pas seulement la singularité de cette forme qui rend cette montagne remarquable; c'est peut-être plus encore sa structure. J'ai constaté que le Mont-Blanc et tous les hauts sommets de sa chaîne sont composés de couches verticales. Au Mont-Rose jusqu'aux cimes les plus élevées, tout est horizontal ou incliné au plus de 30 degrés.

The Catholics will deny the identity, of course; but I think it is constaté by the dress and other circumstances. Made a pleasant day of it, and with a good conscience, for I had done my task this morning. July 14. Did task this morning, and believe that I shall get on now very well. Wrote about five leaves.

I am only here for a short time in the Spring and another ten days in September. That is hardly enough, even supposing I were the sort of person to be accessible to these externals. I have passed that stage. I am too old, too unemotional. JE CONSTATE, as the French say. To them, the landscape of Nepenthe is alive, often malignantly alive.

Le Secrétaire d'Etat dit qu'il a reçu aujourd'hui un télégramme de Pourtalès d'où il constate que plus que les premiers jours Vous êtes disposé