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"I think I'd better row down, Captain," he said. "I don't see how five of us are going to find room in there." "What, in a carryall?" exclaimed the Captain. "Why, that's what a carryall's for. I've carried six in a carryall 'fore now. 'Twas a good while ago, though," he added with a chuckle, "when I was consid'rable younger 'n I am now.

Then on the mawning of the third day one of their deligates from the mountains was called home suddenly by a message saying a misunderstanding had come up with a neighboring fambly and two of his boys was shot up consid'rable.

I see how things was goin', and I've been thinkin' this over for a consid'rable spell. Hold on a minute till I overhaul my kit." He went into the front bedroom, and through the open door they could see him turning over the contents of the chest with P. R. in brass nails on the lid.

You can jest go about your reg'lar business 'thout any fear of disturbin' her any further than she's disturbed a'ready, which is consid'rable. I don't mind it a mite nowadays, though, after forty years of it. It would kind o' gall me to keep a stiddy watch of a female's disposition day by day, wonderin' when she was goin' to have a tantrum.

The old man shook his head in instant denial. "Po' white trash from the gullies," he said, "no, they don't count one way or the other." "What happened after you got that message?" asked the boy. "Nothin' much, for a while, though I was snoopin' aroun' the mount'ns consid'rable. I met the brothers sev'ral times, an' I know they could have had me.

"Well, this outfit o' yourn hasn't suffered anyways serious," observed Nick Undrell, when all was ready for a new start. "I've had a look round, an', barrin' a few splinters took off the wagons, an' some holes pierced in the canvas covers, we've not taken a whole lot of harm. Jim Thurston here's th' only one as got badly hit. That broken bone in his arm 'll take a consid'rable time ter git well.

Snow she's a a sort of relation of Jerry's" just a suspicion of a smile accompanied this assertion "and she's done consid'rable nussin' in her time. I've been talkin' the thing over with her and she's willin' to look out for John till he gits better." The physician adjusted his eyeglasses and looked the volunteer nurse over keenly.

"Mebbe you did," vigorously agreed Miranda, "but 't any rate you looked like a Christian Injun, 'n' now you look like a heathen Injun; that's all the difference I can see. What can we do with her, Jane, between this and nine o'clock?" "We'll all go out to the pump just as soon as we're through breakfast," answered Jane soothingly. "We can accomplish consid'rable with water and force."

He ain't feelin' no ways perky, any one can see that, an' I'm tickled most to pieces that he's come 'round I've took up with him consid'rable, I have. Patriarch'll just make a new-born critter outer him you watch through the window where he goes. Bet you a quarter that's what he's up to!"

Colonel Derringer's first shot caught a boot an' shoe drummer fr'm Chicago square in th' back amid consid'rable applause. Major Lyddite tied th' scoor be nailin' a scrubwoman on th' top iv a ladder.