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Thar was a ball an' he got on a tear an' got away from 'em an' bust right into the ballroom an' played Hail Columby. He's a pop'lar man among the ladies, is the Colonel, but a mixtry of whiskey an' opium is apt to spile his manners. Nigger says he's the drunkest man when he is drunk that the Lord ever let live. Ye cayn't do nothin' with him.

He's in there with the minister now." "He is? Givin' the young feller Hail Columby, I cal'late. Well, now, he shan't. He, he! When they told me how the minister passed old hop-and-go-fetch-it what was due him at the chapel last night I riz up and hoorayed till my wife shut the windows. She said the neighbors all thought I was loony, anyhow, and I needn't prove it to 'em. He, he!

"As soon as the Injuns in camp heard Mertilda speak, eight or ten of 'em jumped up and started towards us. But yer see, Jerry'd got so fur, they couldn't stop him. The sojers was right on to 'em, and give 'em 'Hail Columby, and no mistake. "That's my report, Lieutenant. That youngster there," pointing to Ned, "is real grit.

It might be two weeks, and it might be three, and it might be less, he said. Any way, they didn't want a cripple in the school-house for Tom Walker to raise Hail Columby with. Would Ruby Ann swaller her pride and be a substitute? "It is a good deal to ask me to do after I have been turned out of office," she said, "but I am not one to harbor resentment.

"To the ol' days!" said Jackson in turn. "An' I'll bet two better shots don't stand to-day on the soil o' Oregon! But I got to be goin', Jim. I'm goin' on to the Columby. I may not see ye soon. It's far." He swung into his saddle, the rifle in its loop at the horn. But Bridger came to him, a hand on his knee. "I hate to see ye go, Bill." "Shore!" said Jackson. "I hate to go.

"Well yes I suppose there is; but their morals and religion are shockin'. It made my blood run cold, and my hair stand on eend, to see a company of soldiers marchin' through the streets last Sabba' day, to the tune of 'Hail Columby; and then to think of balls and theatres on the Lord's day night, really it's terrible. I wouldn't live in sich a place for all the world!"

You see she 'd gethered in most of her husbands afore Fiddy was old enough to hev her finger in the pie; but she cut her eye-teeth early, Fiddy did, 'n' there wa'n't no kind of a feller come to set up with the widder but she 'd everlastin'ly grab him, if she hed any use fer him, 'n' then there 'd be Hail Columby, I tell yer. But Dixie, he was 's blind 's a bat 'n' deef 's a post.

I wished I could 'a' made real dictionary poetry like Casabianca and Hail Columby. But I didn' know enough about the words. I never got nary wink of sleep a-thinkin' about her, and a-wishin' my house was finer and my clo'es purtier and my hair shorter, and I was a eddicated gentleman. Never wished that air afore."

We've got all the tackticks at our tongs' ends, but what we particly excel in is restin muskits. We can rest muskits with anybody. Our corpse will do its dooty. We go to the aid of Columby we fight for the stars! We'll be chopt into sassige meat before we'll exhibit our cote-tales to the foe. We'll fight till there's nothin left of us but our little toes and even they shall defiantly wiggle!

I know I wouldn't want to be all stirred up about 'tests' and 'materializations' and such, and so I told her Comfort was asleep." "She wasn't asleep, neither," declared Lute. "What did you tell such a whopper as that for? You're always sailin' into me if I stretch a yarn the least mite. Why, last April Fool Day you give me Hail Columby for jokin' you about a mouse under the kitchen table.