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The other boys began to catch on and grin. The Aid's face flushed, but Shorty continued his loud objurgations at the mule: "You misbegotten pill o' perdition; you pompous, puddin'-headed staff officer; you miserable errand-boy for the General, puttin' on more airs than the General; you half-hatched officer, runnin' around yit with the shell on your head, and pretendin' to be cock-o'-the-walk, won't you git up?"

And when the King of the Cats came back from the feasts he used to waken up and say to himself, "I'm Cock-o'-the-Walk, I'm Cock-o'-the-Walk. The Cats are not a respectable people." One noonday there were men in the Forge. They were talking to the Smith. Said one, "Could you tell us, Smith, where iron came from?" The King of the Cats knew but he said nothing.

He went out, slamming the door behind him. Twenty minutes later, Barry emerged from the "shanty" and mounted his sleek, restless thoroughbred. Having recovered, for purposes of deception, his lordly, cock-o'-the-walk attitude toward the world, he rode off jauntily in the direction of the town, according Trentman the scant courtesy of a careless wave of the hand at parting.

If you can't make the 'varsity it is at least something to be able to help develop it, and that is what the second was doing, very loyally and gladly. And when in the process of aiding in its development it was possible to beat it, the second shook hands with itself and was cock-o'-the-walk for days after! Steve, like most others on the second, had relinquished hope of getting on the 'varsity.

"Garman is too big!" said Roger. "He will still be cock-o'-the-walk round here. Is that it?" "Well, he won't have his gang," replied the detective. "But he will still be Garman." "Well you know what he is." Roger nodded. "He'll want to be boss of the district He'll try to hog your land." "Hog is a good word there," ruminated Roger. But he was not thinking about his land.

La Chesnaye, son of the merchant prince who owned our ships, played cock-o'-the-walk, took rank next to M. Radisson, and called himself deputy-governor. Forêt, whose father had a stretch of barren shingle on The Labrador, and who had himself received letters patent from His Most Christian Majesty for a marquisate, swore he would be cursed if he gave the pas to La Chesnaye, or any other commoner.

Cock-o'-the-Walk came to the door and held his head as if he were listening. "I can't tell where iron came from," said the Smith, "but if that Cock could talk he could tell you. The world knows that the Cock is the wisest and the most ancient of creatures." "I'm Cock-o'-the-Walk," said the Cock to a rusty ass's shoe.

He even made advances to the Cock who walked up and down outside. This Cock made himself very annoying to the King of the Cats. He used to strut up and down saying to himself over and over again, "I'm Cock-o'-the-Walk, I'm Cock-o'-the-Walk." Sometimes he would come into the Forge and say it to the horses.

"Great judgment!" gasped the foreman. "Say, Mister Cock-o'-the-walk where do you hide all that muscle?" And without waiting for an answer he piled a dozen of his men upon the engine and followed them, still muttering. It was a partly surfaced ten miles over which the special train thundered for the third time since dawn-breaking, and Gallagher took the last wheel-turn out of the 956.

Ef Abner hain't good 'nough to set foot on yo' place, you hain't good 'nough to set foot on mine; an', by glory, ef you evah do, I'll sick the dogs on you. You need hoss-whippin' to fetch you to yo' senses. You've got so et up with proud flesh an' malice, kaze you can't be high cock-o'-the-walk in Cane Redge chu'ch, thet you're gittin' rabid ez a mad dog."