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The wind blew straight through the patched and threadbare jackets of the lads as they crept closer to the window, struggling hard by breathing on the pane to make their peep-holes bigger, to take in the whole of the big cake with the almonds set in; but they did not heed it. "Jim!" piped the smaller of the two, after a longer stare than usual; "hey, Jim! them's Sante Claus's. See 'em?"

"There, kid!" he said, holding out the two fattest and whitest cakes to Santa Claus's champion; "there's yer Christmas. Run along, now, to yer barracks; and you, Jim, here's one for you, though yer don't desarve it. Mind ye let the kid alone." "This one'll have to do for me grub, I guess. I ain't sold me 'Newses, and the ole man'll kick if I bring 'em home."

There he determined that she should lie the whole night, while he seated himself in a chair in a corner of the room as he had often done before. During the night, as he sat there, the door opened, and in came Great Claus with a hatchet. He knew well where Little Claus's bed stood; so he went right up to it, and struck the old grandmother on the head, thinking it must be Little Claus.

"Dis is Santy Claus's friend, papa," said the little boy. "We were doin' to su'prise him. He said be very still and we minded." "So this is what you have come to, John," said the elder man, but there was an unwonted gentleness in his voice. "I swear to God I didn't know it was your house. I just came in here because the window was open." The other pointed to the safe. "But you were "

"You have to ring at the side door at night," said the driver. He appeared to know a good deal about the hospital. Livingstone sprang out and rang the bell and then stepped back. "When they open the door, you are to do all the talking," he said to Kitty as he lifted her down. "Who shall I say rang?" she asked. "Santa Claus's partner." "But you ?" "No. You are not to mention my name. Remember!"

"You know, Santa Claus always drives into the Canine Estates by the little back road through the woods, where the chipmunk lives. You know the gateway, at the bend in the lane: well, it's rather narrow, and Santa Claus's sleigh is very wide.

"Ready!" said Tommy, and gathered up the reins, and the next moment the goats started off, at first at a walk and then at a little trot, while Tommy was telling Johnny what his father had told him about the night in Santa Claus's country being so long that sometimes the sun did not rise above the horizon for several months.

When Kitty was informed that this was Santa Claus's Partner's party, and that she was to be the hostess, she was at first a little shy, partly, perhaps, on account of the strangeness of being in such a big, fine house, and partly on account of the solemn presence of James, until the latter had relieved her in ways of which that austere person seemed to have the secret where children were concerned.

That was too much for our boy. With a "hurrah" he jumped up and turned a somersault right at Santa Claus's feet. "Good gracious!" cried Santa, "what's this?" "Come along, I'll show you the one," cried Rob. Santa Claus allowed himself to be led off to the pile of horses. You may believe that Rob's sharp eyes soon picked out the one with the longest tail and thickest mane.

"Well, that's for Santa Claus's clerk. That'll fix him. That'll blister the stupid fellow." "Please, zur!" whispered Martha Jutt. "Well?" snapped the doctor, stopping short in a rush to the stove. "Please, zur," said Martha, taking courage, and laying a timid hand on his arm. "Sure, I don't know what 'tis all about. I don't know what blunder he've made.