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"The cholos," replied the Indian, in a high voice, "bestow their devotion where it is merited; the Indians love according to their hearts." André Certa became pale with anger; he advanced a step toward his immovable rival. "Wretch! will you quit this place?"

VII. No one would have been more willing than Bracciolini himself to have acknowledged the ample sufficiency of this argument to prove in the cases of Julia and Cornutus the forgery of the Annals; for he was himself a great collector of the coins and medals of antiquity, from which he gained a great deal of his historical information: he must, for example, have had in his possession, or have seen somewhere one of those medals which antiquaries say were struck in the time of Nero with a table, a garland, a pot, and the inscription: "Certa: Quinq.

"Martin Paz is living!" exclaimed André Certa, in a moment of fury. And the presentiment quickly acquired confirmation.

André Certa, drawing from his pocket some bills, was about to have hazarded a considerable sum; he had even deposited it on one of the tables, and the banker, shaking his dice, was about to have decided its fate, when a sign from Samuel stopped him short. The Jew bent again to the ear of the mestizo, and said

Martin Paz might have conquered had he remained on the Plaza-Mayor. He fell into the arms of Don Vegal. "To the mountains, my son; flee to the mountains! now I command it." "Is my enemy indeed dead?" said Martin Paz, returning to the corpse of André Certa. A man was that moment searching it, and held a pocket-book which he had taken from it.

When are you to marry the beautiful young daughter of old Samuel, a Limanienne to the end of her nails, with nothing Jewish about her but her name of Sarah?" "In a month," replied André Certa, proudly, "there will be no fortune in Peru which can compete with mine." "But why," asked some one, "do you not espouse some Spanish girl of high descent?" "I despise these people as much as I hate them."

How much more soundly do we hold with J. Rainolds, that unto us Christians, “no land is strange, no ground unholy,—every coast is Jewry, every town Jerusalem, and every house Sion,—and every faithful company, yea, every faithful body, a temple to serve God in.” The contrary opinion Hospinian rejecteth as favouring Judaism, alligat enim religionem ad certa loca.

Wherever there was a real to be made this man was to be met with. He followed the mestizo; and finding him on the stone steps, said to him "I have secrets of importance to communicate. Where can we converse in safety?" "Wherever you please," replied Certa, roughly. "Señor, let not your passions ruin your prospects.

Quum tu, Lydia, Telephi Cervicem roseam, et cerea Telephi Laudas brachia, vae meum Fervens difficili bile tumet jecur: Tunc nec mens mihi, nec color Certa sede manet; humor et in genas Furtim labitur, arguens Quam lentis penitus macerer ignibus.

"If nothing remains to you to conclude our bargain, it shall be broken off this evening!" André Certa shrugged his shoulders, took up his money, and went out. "Continue now," said Samuel to the banker; "you may ruin this gentleman after his marriage." The banker bowed submissively. The Jew Samuel was the founder and proprietor of the games of Chorillos.