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Caseldy's return to the Wells was at least some assurance of his constancy, seeing that here they appointed to meet when he and Chloe last parted. All might be well, though it was unexplained why he had not presented himself earlier. To the lightest inquiry Chloe's reply was a shiver of happiness. Moreover, Mr.

'Lucky the man who wins for himself that life-long cordial! Mr. Beamish said to Duchess Susan. She had small comprehension of metaphorical phrases, but she was quick at reading faces; and comparing the enthusiasm on the face of the beau with Caseldy's look of troubled wonderment and regret, she pitied the lover conscious of not having the larger share of his mistress's affections.

'Poorly, the young gentleman replied. 'But the Count can sing, and Chloe's a real angel when she sings; and won't you, dear? she implored Chloe, to whom Caseldy addressed a prelude with a bow and a flourish of the hand. Chloe's voice flew forth. Caseldy's rich masculine matched it.

'Lucky the man who wins for himself that life-long cordial! Mr. Beamish said to Duchess Susan. She had small comprehension of metaphorical phrases, but she was quick at reading faces; and comparing the enthusiasm on the face of the beau with Caseldy's look of troubled wonderment and regret, she pitied the lover conscious of not having the larger share of his mistress's affections.

Beamish calculated that Caseldy would be a serviceable ally in commanding a proper respect for her Grace the Duchess of Dewlap. So he betook himself cheerfully to Caseldy's lodgings to deliver a message of welcome, meeting, on his way thither, Mr.

Caseldy's return to the Wells was at least some assurance of his constancy, seeing that here they appointed to meet when he and Chloe last parted. All might be well, though it was unexplained why he had not presented himself earlier. To the lightest inquiry Chloe's reply was a shiver of happiness. Moreover, Mr.

As they had not been for blood, but for rough fun, and something to boast of next day, they gesticulated according to the first instructions of the dancing master, by way of gallantry, and were out of Caseldy's path when he placed himself at his liege lady's service. 'Take no notice of them, dear, she said.

'Poorly, the young gentleman replied. 'But the Count can sing, and Chloe's a real angel when she sings; and won't you, dear? she implored Chloe, to whom Caseldy addressed a prelude with a bow and a flourish of the hand. Chloe's voice flew forth. Caseldy's rich masculine matched it.

As they had not been for blood, but for rough fun, and something to boast of next day, they gesticulated according to the first instructions of the dancing master, by way of gallantry, and were out of Caseldy's path when he placed himself at his liege lady's service. 'Take no notice of them, dear, she said.

However, he did not expect a woman of her education to have the tone perfectly concordant with the circumstances. Speaking tentatively of Caseldy's handsome face and figure, he was pleased to hear the duchess say, 'So I tell Chloe. 'Well, said he, 'we must consider them united; they are one. Duchess Susan replied, 'That's what I tell him; she will do anything you wish.