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'Domine, in caelo misericordia tua judicia tua abyssus multa! Recalling what he knew of Mrs. Burgoyne's history and of Manisty's, his mind trained in the subtleties of moral divination soon reconstructed the whole story. Clearly the American lady now staying with Mrs. Burgoyne who had showed towards himself such a young and graceful pity was the other woman. He felt instinctively that Mrs.

Wordsworth was decrying Shakspeare. "Pooh!" he said, "it is all very easy: I could write like Shakspeare myself, if I had a mind to!" "Precisely so," rejoined Lamb, "if you had a mind to." Mr. Buckle does not think much of the ancient Egyptian civilization, differing in this respect toto caelo from Hekekyan Bey, who finds in the monuments proofs of the existence of an expansive popular government.

In the line before the last we should probably read -multarum leges divumque hominumque. Os olig' alethe, polla de pseuon legei Tuchon, otan de me, tuche oioichetai This is turned by the Latin translator into the following diatribe against the casters of horoscopes: -Astrologorum signa in caelo quaesit, observat, Iovis Cum capra aut nepa aut exoritur lumen aliquod beluae.

The notion that false religion implies the true, just as base coin implies the pure, will have weight with those, and only those, who cannot detect the sophistry of an argument a rubii toto caelo differentibus; or in plain English, from things entirely different presumed to be similar. Between coin and religion there is no precise analogy.

In the one case the object promotes the common weal, or is supposed by him to promote it. In the other it is destructive of the common weal. If, therefore, we wish to avoid confusion of thought, we must in discussing magic constantly bear in mind that we group together and therefore are in danger of confusing things which to the savage differ toto caelo from one another.

Darwin, some other "Origin of Species," some other Professors Huxley, Tyndal, and Ray Lankester, and whether in each case some malicious fiend has not palmed off a counterfeit upon me that differs toto caelo from the original.

But, finally, the people found themselves confronted with a type of Messiah differing toto caelo from the accepted traditional type. The kingdom of God, which meant the Divine rule over the souls of men, was at least not such a kingdom as they were looking for, as they had been taught to expect.

Thus, for example, that which is intrinsically impossible, is also impossible in all relations, that is, absolutely impossible. But in most cases they differ from each other toto caelo, and I can by no means conclude that, because a thing is in itself possible, it is also possible in all relations, and therefore absolutely.

I may be left without an heir, and shall be obliged to marry, which would be very uncomfortable." "Very little comfort," echoed Jonathan "my wife is dead. In caelo quies." "Well, we must hope for the best; but this suspense is anything but comfortable," observed Mr Witherington, after looking over the contents of the letter for at least the twentieth time.

Clara, the canonizing Pope does not disdain a similar play upon her name: Clara Claris praeclara meritis, magnae in caelo claritate gloriae, ac in terra miraculorum sublimium, clare claret. Columba as another example in the same kind, seeing that this name was not his birthright, but one given to him by his scholars for the dove-like gentleness of his character.