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I kin 'member when dis town was full er black an' yaller carpenters an' 'j'iners, blacksmiths, wagon makers, shoemakers, tinners, saddlers an' cab'net makers.

We make our own gloryous pages on th' battlefield, in th' camp an' in th' cab'net meetin'." "Well, 't is all r-right f'r ye to be jokin'," said Mr. Hennessy, "but there's manny a brave fellow down there that it's no joke to." "Thrue f'r ye," said Mr.

As token iv their grief th' Cab'net waited on th' Jap'nese embassy at dinner to-night an' Admiral Bob Evans has been ordhered to sink th' battle ship Louisyanny an' carry Gin'ral Kroky's hat box to th' deepo. "An' so it goes. I'm in a state iv alarum all th' time. In th' good old days we wudden't have thought life was worth livin' if we cudden't insult a foreigner. That's what they were f'r.

'A man, he says, 'that has th' ticker eye, he says, 'or th' coupon thumb, he says, 'is cured in no time, he says. 'Come, he says, 'fly with me, he says. 'They'se nawthin' to keep ye here, he says. 'Ivry wan iv th' cab'net, includin' th' Sicrety iv War, 'll stick to his place, he says, 'like a man, he says. "An' Mack wint with him.

"Well, Goold Bonds ended up in th' coal cellar, an' they was a cab'net council f'r to see what was to be done. 'Sind f'r Doctor Heinegagubler, says th' Sicrety iv War. 'He's wan iv th' gr-reatest surgeons iv our time, he says, 'an' can cure annything fr'm pips to glanders, he says. Th' famous Doctor Honeycooler was summoned.

Did we come to a steep hillside, up which any respectable English horse would certainly expect to walk in a leisurely, sober fashion, then our driver shook out his reins, blew a ringing blast on his bugle, and cried, "Walk along, Lord Gifford! think as you've another Victoriar Cross to get top o' this hill! Walk along, Lord Carnarvon! you ain't sitting in a cab'net council here, you know.

"I want you to take this," Bellew went on, counting a sum into Adam's nerveless hand, "and to-morrow, when the sale begins, if any one makes a bid for anything, I want you to bid higher, and, no matter what, you must always buy always, you understand?" "But sir, that there old drorin'-room cab'net wi' the carvings " "Buy it!" "An' the silver candle-sticks, and the four-post bed-stead, an' the "

You look at 'is lease third drawer on the left in that Bombay cab'net an' next time 'e comes you ask 'im to read it. That'll choke 'im off, because 'e can't! There was nothing in Midmore's past to teach him the message and significance of a hand-written lease of the late 'eighties, but Rhoda interpreted.