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Immediately on Bougainville's arrival at his native place, he expressed a determination to follow the strangers, which his countrymen seemed to applaud, and his zeal in which was so great as to overcome an attachment to a handsome girl, from whom he had to tear himself on coming aboard the ship.

This forms the N.W. point of what I call Bougainville's Passage; the N.E. point at this time bore N. 85° E., and the N.W. end of Mallicollo from S. 54° E. to S. 72° E. Latitude observed 15° 45' S. In the afternoon, in stretching to the east, we weathered the S.S.W. point of the island, from which the coast trends east, northerly.

He was a daredevil, too; for the day that the last of the division was taken up the river, without my permission or the permission of the admiral or any one else, he took the Terror of France almost up to Bougainville's earthworks in the cove at Cap Rouge and insolently emptied his six swivels into them, and then came out and stood down the river.

Such recreation, one may most certainly infer from Bougainville's own words, must soon have been performed very languidly, and in a little time longer ceased entirely; for it became necessary to shorten even the small allowance of food, which, repeated attempts at landing on different shores failed to augment, and the quality of the provisions too, was such, as in the emphatic language of Bougainville, rendered those the hardest moments of the sad days they passed, when the bell gave notice to receive the disgusting and unwholesome fare.

Major Darby with the light infantry, and Rogers with the rangers, dragged three light pieces through the forest, and planted them on the river-bank in the rear of Bougainville's position, where lay the French naval force, consisting of three armed vessels and several gunboats.

But whether these lands be separate isles, or connected with New Caledonia, it is by no means certain that we saw their termination to the west. I think we did not; as the shoals did not end with the land we saw, but kept their N.W. direction farther than Bougainville's track in the latitude of 15° or 15° 1/2.

As a proof of their having been trading with the Spaniards, Bougainville's Ship had on board a great Quantity of Spanish Dollars at the time she arrived at and left Batavia, some days after our arrival at the Cape of Good Hope.

Captain Cook's Voyage towards the South Pole, and round the World, 1777. 2 vols. 4to. Captains Cook, Clarke, and Gore's Voyage to the Pacific Ocean. By Cook and King, with an introduction by Bishop Douglas, 1784. 3 vols. 4to. G. Forster's Voyage round the World, with Captain Cook, during 1772-75-77. 2 vols. 4to. Bougainville's Voyage round the World, translated from the French.

M. de Bougainville's journal of the voyage opens with this judicious remark: "It was not many years ago a dangerous enterprise to make a voyage round the world, and scarce half a century has elapsed since the time when an expedition of this kind would have sufficed to reflect glory upon the man who directed it.

Daily the odds against the French grew; for shiploads of redcoats would move up and down with the strong tide and keep Bougainville's wretched, half-starved men tramping and scrambling along the rough ground of the heights in order to follow and forestall this puzzling and persistent enemy.