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The influences will criss-cross. Bottazzi's cabinet is her Waterloo." "Observe that Bottazzi was not perverse. He met the psychic half-way by forming the usual chain about the table, placing Eusapia before the curtains of the little cabinet, which was a recess in the wall.

"It is the clay," I said, quickly; "will you make the impression of a face?" "No," she replied, "it is too hard; take it away." Some one broke the chain to carry out her desire. He looked at the desk and saw the imprint of three fingers." "What I would like to know at this point," Harris quickly interposed, "is this: were the fingermarks lined like Bottazzi's or like the medium's?"

"Even if that were true, their testimony would lack the convincing power that flames from Morselli's book or Bottazzi's report. The essential weakness of the spiritist's testimony lies in the fact that for the most part he assumes that the facts of mediumship are somehow, and necessarily, in opposition to somebody's religion.

I am at this moment fresh from a reading of the reports of Bottazzi's up-to-date experiments, and I am compelled to grant that he has not only sustained Crookes at every point, but has gone beyond him in his ingenuity of test and thoroughness of control. He adds the touch of certainty that we all needed to complete our own experience. He has given me courage to say what I believe Mrs.

"'After reading these articles with avidity, Bottazzi's report begins: 'Professor Galeotti, my associate, and I looked at each other astounded, and the same thoughts in the same words came simultaneously to our lips: "We, too, must see, must touch with our hands and at once here in this laboratory where experiments of the phenomena of life are daily carried on, with the impartiality of men whose object is the discovery of scientific truth, here in this quiet place where sealed doors will be superfluous.

One little touch early in Bottazzi's account impressed me deeply.

"But they don't," retorted Fowler. "They will not even read Bottazzi's reports." And I fear he is justified in his belief. My correspondent is a New York editor, and in his party of six was the associate professor of chemistry in a big Eastern college.

Pansini, Professor Extraordinary of Medical Semiotics; and these gentlemen certainly made up a formidable platoon of investigation. The room in which the experiments took place was an isolated one, connected with the laboratory of experimental physiology, and belonged to that part of the university set aside for Bottazzi's exclusive use.

Smiley co-operated to the utmost with us. She never refused to permit any test." Miller here remarked: "I can't but think that our control of Mrs. I cannot bring myself to entertain, even for an instant, the spirit hypothesis, but in Bottazzi's theory I glimpse an alternative."

My auditors were now in the thrall of Bottazzi's story, and the silence was eloquent. At last Cameron said: "It certainly seems like a clear case of 'astral. I begin to believe in our first sitting with Mrs. Smiley. What do you want us to do announce ourselves converted?" "Certainly not," I replied.