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We drove straight to the fine garage on the Embankment beneath the Cecil, and after I had put things square and received orders for ten o'clock next day, I was preparing to go to my lodgings in Bloomsbury to look through my kit in preparation for the journey when my employer suddenly exclaimed "Come up to the smoking-room a moment. I want to write a letter for you to take to Boodle's in St.

Had she been in dear Paris, or in dearer Vienna, that would have not hindered her from receiving the visit; but in pigheaded London this could not be done; and, therefore, when she had duly scrutinized Captain Boodle's card, and had learned from the servant that Captain Boodle desired to see herself on very particular business, she made an appointment with him for the following day.

I belonged at this time to five clubs, Miles' and Evans', Brookes', Boodle's, White's, and Goosetree's. The first time I was at Brookes', scarcely knowing any one, I joined, from mere shyness, in play at the faro-table, where George Selwyn kept bank.

Jean eyed his prisoner coldly as he drew up beside him. "Wal, I've waited fer you to say as ye'll marry Davi', an' ye ain't had the savvee to wag yer tongue right, I'm goin' to quit. The snow's goin' fast. They dogs o' mine is gettin saft fer want o' work. I'm goin' to light right out o' here, Victor, an' the boodle's goin' wi' me." Jean was the picture of strong, unimaginative purpose.

There he lost perpetually and prodigiously, until he was stripped of every thing, and pauperised for life. It gives a strong conception of the universality of this vice, to find so timid and girlish a nature as the late William Wilberforce's initiated into the same career. The very first time I went to Boodle's, I won twenty-five guineas of the Duke of Norfolk.

"One man, who arrived yesterday, I know too well. He was struck off the list at Boodle's three years ago for card-sharping that thin-faced, fair-mustached man named Cadby. I suppose Leithcourt doesn't know it, or he wouldn't have him up here among respectable folk."

Gibbon does not note that two "gentlemen," coming from that masquerade dressed in their costumes, "used a woman very indecently," and were so mauled by some spectators that they had difficulty in escaping with their lives. It is to be hoped they were not members of Boodle's, who, on the whole, appear to have been somewhat inoffensive persons.

"Why they have made enough." "Hem! I know Tubbe Swete has a promise, and so has Cockawhoop. I don't think Cockawhoop could show again at Boodle's without a coronet." "I don't see why these fellows should go out," said Mr Ormsby. "What does it signify whether ministers have a majority of five, or ten or twenty? In my time, a proper majority was a third of the House.

He named the one ascribed by Parson Dale to Professor Moss; none of his listeners had read it. Harley pished at this, and accused them all of indolence and stupidity, in his own quaint, metaphorical style. Then he said, "And town gossip?" "We never hear it," said Lady Lansmere. "There is a new plough much talked of at Boodle's," said Lord Lansmere. "God speed it.

"And they have no manufactures there," said Mr Egerton. "Sloane was always a croaker," said the Warwickshire peer. "He always said the New Poor Law would not act, and there is no part of the country where it works so well as his own." "They say at Boodle's there is to be an increase to the army," said Lord Loraine, "ten thousand men immediately; decided on by the cabinet this afternoon."