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She gave it shyly, and with the thrill of contact Beauvayse's last scruple fled. He turned his beautiful, flushed face and shining eyes upon the Mother, and asked with grave simplicity: "Ma'am, is not this mine?" "First tell me, do you know that there is nothing in it?" Her stern eyes searched his. He laughed and said, as he kissed the slender hand: "It holds everything for me!"

"Cleverly done, but a close thing," the Chief said, as he turned away. "I wish I had had that fellow's chance!" was written in Beauvayse's face. To have won a look of gratitude from those wonderful black-fringed eyes, brought a flush of admiration into those white-rose cheeks, would have been worth while.

But the day the Siege Gazette came out, with a blithering paragraph in it that never ought to have appeared, announcin'" he coughed and crimsoned "Lord Beauvayse's formal engagement to Miss Mildare; my wife was rung up at the Convalescent Hospital by a caller who wouldn't say where he telephoned from.

My views, as regarding the celibacy incumbent upon an anointed servant of the altar, have, since I knew her, undergone a a change.... And it occurs to me, when she has got over the first shock of hearing that she has been deceived and played with by a person of Lord Beauvayse's lack of principle "

The younger was too dizzy with her first heady draught from the cup of joy, held to her lips by the strong, beautifully-shaped brown hand that rested on Beauvayse's knee as he sat, or propped up Beauvayse's chin as he knelt, stiff as a young crusader on a monument, beside her. But the Mother knew.

The slight, tall, girlish figure in its dainty creamy draperies had passed out of sight now between its two black-robed guardians. And had not Luck, that mutable-minded deity, given the golden chance to a hulking stranger in white drill, his, Beauvayse's, might have been the hand to intervene in the matter of the Colonel's restive charger, and his the ears to receive Beauty's acknowledgments.

The startled finches settled down again, except at that point, higher up on the opposite bank, to which Beauvayse's attention had first been directed. There the little birds yet hovered like a cloud of butterflies, but, practised scout as Beauvayse was, he paid no heed to their distress. She had declared for him. The Doctor's discomfiture enhanced his triumph.

Tudwalls at the base of the green promontory beyond the Roads. She forgets that this little overdressed person is Beauvayse's wife. She forgets in the moment that she herself is Saxham's. She is back in the beloved past with the Mother.

And then came the orderly crowding to the door, and they were outside under the great violet sky, throbbing with splendid stars, breathing the tainted air that came from the laagers and the trenches. But oh, was there ever a sweeter night, following upon a sweeter day? Beauvayse's hand found and pressed Lynette's. She looked up and saw his eyes shining in the starlight.

Sawdust? That seemed to rouse her like nothing else.... Turned on me like a tigress, by the living Tinker! called me everything she could lay her tongue to, and threatened that she'd apply for a separation if I continued to outrage every feeling of decency that association with such a thundering brute hadn't uprooted from her nature." "Whe ew!" Beauvayse's comment is a shrill-toned whistle.