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Arnold?" he added, turning with courtesy to the silent Frenchman. "You mean fishing? No; life is too short to hang my humor of a whole day on the end of a line. I have never been at Beacham's." "It is a fine spot. You will probably go down there this year." "My business keeps me tied to the city just at present. A professional man has no such bond; his will is his master."

Joe Beacham's paragon was and is Frank Hinkey and the depth of esteem in which the former Cornell star held Hinkey is well exemplified in the following incident, which occurred on the Black Diamond Express, Eastbound, as it was passing through Tonawanda, New York. Beacham had been dozing, but awoke in time to catch a glimpse of the signboard as the train flashed by.

Otherwise its delicate complexion will be rather freckled when you arrive at Beacham's." He pulled his hat on from ease to respectability and followed her down to the gate. They turned the corner, walking southward toward the valley. Mrs. Levice and her husband stood at the gate and watched them saunter off. When they were quite out of sight, Mrs. Levice turned around and sang gayly to Mr.

It is by no means a fashionable resort; the Levices had searched for something as unlike the Del Monte and Coronado as milk is unlike champagne. They were looking for a pretty, healthful spot, with good accommodations and few social attractions, and Beacham's offered this. They were not disappointed. Ruth's anticipation was fulfilled when she saw the river.

To prove the existence of devils and spirits, he collected the most absurd stories and old-wives' fables, of soldiers scared from their posts at night by headless bears, of a young witch pulling the hooks out of Mr. Emlen's breeches and swallowing them, of Mr. Beacham's locomotive tobacco-pipe, and the Rev. Mr.

The higher one goes the more beautiful becomes the scenery among the wild, marvellous redwoods that stand like mammoth guides pointing heavenward; and Beacham's realizes expectation.

Now go back to your mother, but understand, not a word of this to her yet. I shall not recur to this again; meanwhile we shall both have something to think of." That afternoon Dr. Kemp received the following brief note: BEACHAM'S, August 25, 188 DR. KEMP: DEAR SIR, Have you forgotten that my daughter is a Jewess; that you are a Christian?

We shall have a magnificent autumn; the woods must be beginning to look gorgeous." "I shall know better to-morrow." "To-morrow?" "Yes; we leave for Beacham's to-morrow, you know." "No, I did not know;" an indefinable shadow over-clouded his face, but he said quickly, "That is an old hunting-ground of mine. The river teems with speckled treasures. Are you a disciple of old Walton, Mr.

Miss RUTH LEVICE Beacham's ... County Cal. It was the sight of the dashes that caused the hiatus in her sentence, and made her heart give one great rushing bound. The enclosure was to the point. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 18, 188 . MISS RUTH LEVICE: MY DEAR FRIEND, That you may not denounce me as too presumptuous, I shall at once explain that I am writing this at Bob's urgent desire.

Russian River is about as pretty a stream as one can view upon a summer's day. Here at Beacham's it is very narrow and shallow, with low, shelving beaches on either bank; but in the tiny row-boat which she immediately secured, Ruth pushed her way into enchantment.