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You won't miss it, and we've a great deal to do for small fees, that niver compinsate for the accommodation we be's to give everybody-an' the loss of time's the loss of money." "Give you a perquisite! no, indeed; I never pay for such favors. Wait a few moments; I will accompany you myself, if you will not take my honor for his good conduct on the way to prison," continued the Captain.

'If so be as Tom goes, there'll be no one as'll take me in for less than three bob a week. Two bob a week, that's what I'll 'ave to feed me Two bob a week two bob a week! But if so be's I go with Tom, I'll 'ave to reg'lar sit down under he for me bread and butter. And he contemplated his son. "Where are you goin', then?" he said.

The Corporal, who was not quite certain of his ground here, but who knew that Madeline, at all events, was going to be married to Aram, and deemed it, therefore, quite useless to waste any praise upon her, thought that a few random shots of eulogium were worth throwing away on a chance, and consequently continued. "Augh, your honour 'tis not 'cause I have eyes, that I be's a fool.

And he groaned and repeated the following verses, "Patient, O Allah! to Thy destiny * I bow, suffice me what Thou deign decree: Patient to bear Thy will, O Lord of me, * Patient to burn on coals of Ghaza-tree: They wrong me, visit me with hurt and harm; * Haply Thy grace from them shall set me free: Far be's, O Lord, from thee to spare the wronger * O Lord of Destiny my hope's in Thee!"

"There is no mistake," asked Danvers, halting; "an Italian gentleman named Cesarini lodges here?" "Yes, sir, poor cretur I sent for you to come to him for says I to my boy, says I " "Whom do you take me for?" "Why, la, sir, you be's the doctor, ben't you?"

"Turpin, the great highwayman!" answered the young student, without lifting his eyes from the page, through which he was spelling his instructive way. "Oh! he be's a chip of the right block, dame!" said Mr. Dunnaker, as he applied his pipe to an illumined piece of paper. "He'll ride a 'oss foaled by a hacorn yet, I varrants!"

"You may very well say that, Aunt Ri," laughed the Agent, complacently. "It is the most troublesome Agency in the whole list, and the least satisfactory." "Wall, I allow it mought be the least satisfyin'," rejoined the indefatigable Aunt Ri; "but I donno whar the trouble comes in, ef so be's thar's no more kin be done than yer wuz er tellin'." And she looked honestly puzzled.

You be's welcome to my little home. Yees, mine friend, you shall be so welcome as I can make you." Hanz shook him heartily by the hand, and invited him to sit down. "You be's had no shupper, eh?" he resumed. "Der's no man what comes nor goes hungry to my house." The stranger bowed and said, "Thank you you are very kind; but I supped on the other side of the sea, and have no need for any more."

"For master is but a babe, like," said he, majestically; "and I'd be cut into mincemeat afore I'd let an 'air on his 'ead come to 'arm, if so be's h-as 'ow I could perwent it." We need not say that his nurse confirmed him in these good resolutions. "And now," said Beck, when the time came for parting, "you'll keep from the gin-shop, old 'oman, and not shame the young master?"

"Ship upon the face of the yearth." repeated an English porter with a sneer; "ship upon the face of the water, you should say, master; but I take it you be's an Irishman." O'Mooney had reason to be particularly vexed at being detected by this man, who spoke a miserable jargon, and who seemed not to have a very extensive range of ideas.